May 2024



November 27th, 2020



Note to self: Next time you go dancing at Ryze and decide to go a little wild out there, wear a sports bra under your shirt. Half the people there were staring at me and I guarantee you not one of them has any idea what my face looks like.




Amy's in labor! Her water broke a few hours ago, and I'm at XMH with her and Kevin. Kevin went to call his sisters, and told me it was ok for me to let everyone know what was going on.

My sweetheart's gonna be a mommy!!!



Dude, where did the year go?

Also, 'hi' to any recent transplants. Welcome to Galador.

I'm Cosima.

If you have any questions, I'm here to help.

Unless it's the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. That's already been covered.



Well, it's definitely been a long journey to get here, but I think that it's going to be worth it.

Sunlight and synthetic blood. That's what I've heard. We can be open here too, right? That's going to take a LOT of getting used to.

Anyway, I'm Talia Marley and I'm going to be living with and working for Madam Zelaria in Monstropolis. Now that I'm all checked in, I'm going to start exploring.



Well fuck, so much for that trip to Florida. Not that this won't be exciting.

All of the wonderful places to explore and the only familiar name on the list is Buffy Summers, just because she's kinda infamous in underground circles.

Oh well, I'm here with my sketchbook and it looks like people at least wear clothes here, so I should be good. Adri King, at your service.