May 2024



August 10th, 2020



My brothers and cousin are gone. I'm not even sure how to react because I have so many emotions and it's just not... why?

I was writing songs for Lita and she was going to help me find a group I could sing for.



The Crashdown is closed until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience. -- Maria Guerin, Owner


I don't know how to deal with this.



The people at the welcome center showed me how to use this... phone. It's not like any phone I've ever seen but I've never felt crazy on an alien planet before.

I'm Addie Hale.



texts to connor jackson )



So apparently the dating pool is very small here. Any guys bored today? I was thinking about heading to the beach.


You busy?



Whoa. Real interdimensional transplacement... and on a ridiculously high level on top of it.

This is the coolest thing I've ever seen.



I'm so frazzled right now... the Welcome Center explained everything, but.. it's so much to process. More than anything... I can't believe it's peaceful here. Safe.

Guess I should introduce myself. I'm Molly Duncan. Most people call me Thorn.



Guess who's 18!

Peter, Peter, Peter! Is it your birthday, too! I think it would make sense for at least two of you to share a birthday with me. Not sure if we're all the same age, though.



Filtered from Adele

My Gran is here only she's 18.

All of this is so surreal. She's younger than me. What if she asks how she died? What do I say, all I can say is the truth.

I was pretty blunt.

But she has mannerisms like Gran had so I know it's my Gran, I guess the other Sookie could be her granddaughter, but I don't think so.




So news...



Today is my birthday.

I'm really not sure what I want to do.

Any suggestions? Apart from get drunk, because I already plan on doing that.



I don't really get angry much, but I have to say this. That gem totally SUCKS.



filtered; Melinda and Denny

I was thinking we could talk.



I wanted to ask you if you would be my date for my best friends wedding. Maya and her fiance Lucas are marrying in September. Will you go with me to the wedding?

Can I add a plus 1 to your wedding next month?!! I kind of already told him about it so I hope you say yes! lol