May 2024



July 3rd, 2020



Peter Parker (an_avenger_now)

Can't sleep. Thinking of you.



Lilly, Kara, Aimee

What do you say we take my boat out tomorrow and watch the Oahu fireworks on the water?

Aimee, you could invite Maxine.

I baked extra pies today so everyone come get one (or two!) for your 4th of July celebrations while they last. We will be closed tomorrow in observation of the holiday.

[Roswell fam]

Max and I will be hosting a BBQ tomorrow. Bring a dish if you wish but there will be plenty of food for everyone.



[Backdated; July 1st]

Well, well. I just saw the date on the calendar. Happy Birthday to me. :)



I recently posted about how sad I was at lacking friends here.

I clearly overlooked something, though.

This place has given me something I didn't think I'd ever have again: a family.

Liz and Max Evans were kind enough to offer me that, and I feel so loved among this family, it's crazy.



You know you're in an alternate universe when the guy you were starting to date a few weeks ago is now married to his ex.

Congratulations, Alex and Michael.



Who: Adrien Agreste and Will Zimmerman
What: Adrien has to talk to somebody
Where: Sanctuary
When: This afternoon

Adrien had been spending most of the morning laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling while talking with Plagg, trying to work through stuff on his own with his Kwami but by lunch he had to admit that it just wasn't working. He needed somebody to help him figure out how much to tell Marinette and Nino about what he knew from home, mainly should he tell them that he knew who Hawkmoth was. He finished cleaning up the mess he'd made in the kitchen before going looking for Will. He liked Ashley, he liked everybody living here but he knew that Will had experience with talking to people about their problems. Plus he trusted him more than any adult he'd met lately.

He found the man in one of the rooms and knocked on the door. "Can we talk?" He asked, Plagg settled in his pocket with some Camembert now that his part in trying to help Adrien was done. Why couldn't the little Kwami pick a less stinky cheese?



Freinds and family of both Amys

Me and my twin have a birthday coming up on Tuesday the 7th and we're going to have a joint party on the 11th. The location will be the pool at my mom and dad's house in Freedomtown at noon. I'll be turning 19, she'll be turning 16. Hope to see you there!




Do you want to see fireworks on the water tomorrow? Alexander is inviting us out on his boat.



Anyone wanna do some fireworks tonight? I won't be able to see them tomorrow, at least not in this form.