May 2024



June 6th, 2020



Since I'm new here, I don't expect anyone to know when my birthday is. So...

I'm turning seventeen on Sunday. As an open bisexual, celebrating her first Pride Month since it wasn't a thing yet in my time, I'm handing over how I'm going to all of you beautiful people.

What club can I go to, and who wants to show me a good time?



After 200 years, I honestly didn't think there was anything new I could be.

Schoolteacher. Welder. Store owner. Adult film actress. Never thought "single mother" would be on the menu though.

Still, no matter what, I wouldn't give up Dusty and Cali for anything. They're such great kids, and they're like... a little piece of my time with Emme.

I miss her so badly. But I will not let this break me. Hell no.

These kids need me. So no matter how weak I feel inside, Strong Lia is what they'll get.

Time to immerse myself in all the video games, D&D, and "work" that I can.

You got some time for a friend, sweetheart?



Today's my birthday.

I've never had a birthday away from Tadfield before.



future kids, cousins, and those aged 15 - 21

Here's the announcement you've all been waiting for!!!

Lita's annual Rainbow Party is happening in two weeks on June 20th.

6pm to ???. BYOB. Drink responsibly! You can crash at my place if you need to.

EVERYONE is welcome! You don't want to miss out on the music styles of DJ Kat.

[address here].


I plan on signing you out or sneaking you out of the hospital that day :-*



Chicago here we come. Does anyone want to help us move?


I've got a box of baby things for you.



Pride Parade!

It is with great joy that I announce that this years Pride Parade will take place on Saturday, June 27th at 12PM!

Each town will have their own parade down their main street before converging at Mar-Vell Park where the celebrations will continue, including DJ's, live performances and street food!

The parade route (as well as travel suggestions) will be posted at Open Arms, but everything else will be revealed closer to the date!




Wanna go shopping with me?



Ya know, I'm starting to miss when I was getting gift cards from all of the geek boys in school to say that I did things with them.



With this being Pride Month, obviously the focus is on celebrating.

But not everyone is comfortable being "out and proud". And if anyone reading this wants or needs anyone to talk to privately, I'm always here, and anything you tell me will be confidential. I just want to give you a chance to celebrate who you are.



Lux Metz

I was wondering if my husband and I could meet with you some time this week.