May 2024



May 15th, 2020



Oh... so that wasn't me? Good.

I would have felt really bad if I had caused a planet-wide blackout.



Baby Nichole and I are very much enjoying it here in Freedomtown. We finally feel free. Now I just need a job and a day care or babysitter so that I can properly take care of her for my friend, her mom. I was a Psychology Professor back home, a long, long time ago before all of the stuff that happened there.



This college is a lot nicer than back in New York. Cleaner, too. Not as nice as Texas, but nicer than New York. I even got onto the baseball team, but not till next Spring can I play, and enrolled to begin May classes in their Vet Tech program.

Who else goes to (college)?

I was able to go right to college here because I tested right into the program instead of having to graduate high school for the last month being here. So I started this month with my vet tech classes. How are you doing? I do not see you enough. Want to hang out this weekend?



I will be around today, could we meet up about some more plans about the summer camp for the kids this summer I will be hosting?

[Jake Jensen]
Next week, how about we set another meeting to get this summer camp idea I had and get the ball rolling so that we can begin this year if possible.




[posted at 6:23am]

We have a situation.



These past few days have been great! My spidey sense was going crazy and I got to stop so much crime during the blackouts. Take that bad guys!



Doctors + Axel

I've just recently found out I'm pregnant and I'd like to find the best doctor to take care of me.

Because my situation is unique due to alien biology and heart issue in myself and my future daughter, my husband and I going to be very selective.

Please comment below where your office is and a number where I can call to ask questions if you would like to work with us.

[Dr Damon]

As Tasha's doctor, I'd like you involved.

[Their kids+Scout&Harriet]

We'd like to have you all over for pizza tonight. We have news to share.


I'm pregnant!!!