May 2024



May 5th, 2020



I never thought I'd see a Porgs again, but here we are. A couple just built a nest outside of Hanas window.



Holy shit, how am I still alive?

Anyways, I'm looking for someone in particular..



Lorelai and Rory

I'm sure Neal has told you that we have these huge family meals around special occasions.

I'd like to invite you to ours for Mother's Day. Neal knows the place and time. I'm going to give you the address, just in case. [Gives address.]

Please come and be a part of our celebration.

I hope you'll consider it.



I was seven when they came into my life. Two screaming crying babies that I did not agree were bundles of joy. I was a cynical child and that didn't change once they learned to talk. I wanted nothing more than to send them somewhere so it was just myself and my older brother again. I didn't want to be a big sister.

I was twelve and they were five when our lives changed forever. We were left alone, just the four of us, for three years. And for those three years, I had to look after them. Cory was quiet about it, Carrie was loud. They had always been opposites like that. We had a hard time keeping Carrie quiet sometimes. She would scream when she wouldn't get her way and poor Cory would just cover his ears.

After year three, I only got to watch Carrie grow up. Cory's life was cut short before his time but thanks to this place, he gets a chance to grow up. He gets to turn nine along with his twin, who is turning twenty-one. They may be the most unique set of twins out there and I wouldn't have them any other way. I just grateful to have both of them in my life again.

Here's to you, Cory and Carrie. I'm so proud to be your sister and Mama. I can't wait to celebrate you tonight.



I'm definitely not in the Galápagos Islands anymore.



Just when I thought things couldn't be stranger than Roswell......



...I just had a robot randomly walk up to me and ask if there was anything I needed. Maybe I should be freaked out? I don't know. But I think it was about the coolest thing ever.




Lita just told me she set a date and fuck, we can't let our kid get married before us.