April 2024



April 5th, 2020



Can't say I expected to end up on a new planet.

That one's... definitely a new one on me.



Round One Group D

The house lights dimmed, a familiar voice in the darkness cut through the inky blackness like a knife through butter. "Welcome Glador to our own Masked Singer. A spot light hit Faith, then a spotlight turned on each of the empty costumes, starting with The Frog, The Rose, The White Tiger and The Octopus. "Let's give a round of applause of the Unmasked Singers," Faith encouraged the audience.

Tonight Faith wore a ratherBohemian Outfit. The smokey eyes gave Faith more of an exotic look making her look more like her Albanian roots than her American. This look accentuated her beauty.

"Tonight, I'd like to welcome Miss Monster, Rabbit, Wolf, Lion, Bear and Robot to the stage, " As their names were called each one in turn took to the stage like a contestant in a Miss America pageant. When Miss Monster took the stage, one of the gigantic masks turned on. The same thing repeated with each human mask, showcasing the singers. Except this time there were six ginormous plastic masks instead of just four. As the Masked Singers walked by, the audience yelled out their names. Tonight the audience was beyond excited.

"Last Monday we raised over $1,200.00 for a total of $8,700. Let's see if we can do better this week. Remember all of the money, every cent goes to the Group Home."

"Now I'd like to introduce to you the infamous, wonderful Bea Wilson." The audience took to their feet cheering. The spot light next to Faith came on as Bea gracefully flowed to her place next to Faith. Catcalls and whistles came from the audience as they took in the two beautiful women. The Slayer tugged on her ear as a shout out to her loved ones.

She couldn't wait to see Finn.



Anyone want to hire a sixteen year old with absolutely no job experience to work a few days a week? I want to help bring some money in but I also want to have a life need to be available to babysit my little brother and sister.



text messages to Charlie Bradbury [sent early this morning] )