May 2024



January 15th, 2020



Terminator people
I was going to wait to say it because I know how hard trust is to come by in our world, but I'm not going to try and break that trust by essentially lying to all of you.

Something happened in the time-loop before mine and Skynet became extra aware, so more precautions had to be made. Mom's even told me that after I was born, she asked to see her son, because that is what daddyKyle told her was going to happen.

So in short, you now have a timeline where John was born female. I came here while I was literally in the middle of a battle against some T-805s.



Odd question here... but what are the chances of one of the genius minds here being able to create something they really should have no way of making in this reality?

Luke Skywalker
Master Skywalker. You don't know me, but my name is Finn. In my world I'm with The Resistance and my friend Rey was trained by you. Would you be willing to talk to me about something important?



I miss home, my sister. I keep holding out hope for a way to get back to her. It’s hard to think like that too because of the amazing place this is.



Some lady yelled at me that I must hate my mom because my hair is green. What?



I need someone to point me in the direction of Hilda and Sabrina Spellman.