April 2024



October 10th, 2019



Where a great place to get coffee?

Cause I need caffine before I can wrap my mind around any of this.





Anyone out there?



Boooooored outta my mind today. How can you be on a world like this one and literally have nothing to do? It's insane!



Ok, the new Exhumed album has me bouncing off the krutackin' walls right now. METALLLLLLL!!!!

Had to turn it down a bit though. Mom and Dad thought someone was legit being murdered in my room.

I think I'm gonna start working on another idea of mine, too. Although this one might take a bit. Imagine it - a rifle that fires energy blasts that combust on impact, to shoot essentially an propulsion-type energy nailbomb.

I dunno what the teachers at school are talking about: I'm perfectly normal.

Hey babe! I got SoBo to agree to an interview for our vlog. So hell yes! I'm super-pumped to be doing this stuff with you! PS - Next time I have a sleepover party, your cute lil self better come!



Hello again, everyone!

For those of you who don't know me yet, my name is Lila.

I was created by Katarina, and gained sentience that she admittedly wasn't trying to give me.

I've been spending the last few weeks processing every movie, television show, and book I could find, so that I can converse properly with you and not sound too terribly out of place.

I am still not quite a finished product, so please, I ask that you be patient with me if I say or do anything that doesn't seem altogether normal.



There's a huge part of me that wants to channel all the rage, sadness, loneliness, and mistrust inside me into my music. Problem is... what I've crafted as Bad Reputation isn't exactly an angry, emo kinda thing.

And I can't go back to my old Coma White style, because the whole reason I stopped that was out of fear of ruining my voice.

I wonder if doing a little of each would be possible... I need some kind of release, before this crushes everything in me.



Ok. I'm gonna do something that isn't easy for me and (at Lita's prodding) try to be more social here.

So, Sunday is my 17th birthday. And I was thinking about maybe going to Ryze to celebrate. So, maybe if you don't have plans already, a few of you might wanna come hang out with me?

If that doesn't sound too lame?