May 2024



October 7th, 2019



Oh, goddess... what the hell do you even do when you realize you're more irrepairably broken than you ever knew?



Does one ever get use to this place?

Cause, I'm still not.



This isn't a trip I was planning to the with the baby.

Yet, here we are.



Did I anger the Gods?

Hello, I'm Hazel Levesque.

I'm new here...




Mommy dearest is requiring you help.

I want more worshipers.

I'm thinking of starting a dating agency to go along with the app and also perhaps a advice blog vlog, whatever the new way to communicate is here.

Care to help me?




So, one thing I just learned - hangovers? Horrible, terrible things that should be avoided at all costs.



This place just seems to grow by the minute, doesn't it? I hope all of our new arrivals are doing well!

Blessed be!

Samhain is nearly here. I would like to extend an invitation to anyone who doesn't want to celebrate alone to join me. I'll be preparing a Feast of the Dead dinner (though we can easily change that to a potluck), and plan to light a bonfire as well. If enough are interested, perhaps a nature walk earlier in the day or a group ritual.

It's almost Samhain, so you know what that means. Time for Mom to renovate and re-focus. No need to worry if you find me tossing out junk I don't need and scrubbing the house.

On an unrelated note, did either of you find anything from home recently?



Who: Rachel and OPEN TO ANYONE
When: Backdated to Friday
Where: Chicago theater
What: Greatest Showman Auditions
Status/Rating: Incomplete…PG-ish
Warnings: None

Hope you all are ready for a good time )



So I went to go and watch the auditions on Friday. Man, this is going to be a great show. I went to go and see my mom's audition. I have to say, WOW!! I'm sorry to be biased because there was a lot of fantastic people, but, I have never heard my mom sing and dance like that in my entire life. Her and that Tanner guy were pretty amazing.

So you might be spending nights or whatever with baby me. Mom nailed her audition, I think she's going to get a good part. At least I hope that she does, she worked so hard. I videotaped her audition if you want to see it.