April 2024



April 19th, 2019



Filtered to Daenerys Targaryen, Quinn Hanson, Cynthia Stone, Betsy Louis, and Dagny Malikov

Hey everyone... so, be patient, cos I just showed her how to use the comm, plus she won't be familiar with much of our slang, but I wanted you all to get to know my new friend and my new queen, Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons.

Auntie Quinn? Behave.

My Khaleesi? I'd like you to meet my aunts Quinn and Cynthia, my girlfriend Betsy Louis, and my friend Dagny Malikov.



Text to Enid Rhee

Hey... you awake?



[Ellis, backdated to early evening]

Mom? Are you working tonight?


Wanna hang out this weekend?




Do you like having me as a sister?


We should have family breakfast after we all wake up tomorrow.



Family and Friends

I want to be addressed as Dagny of House Malikov from now on and I will accept nothing less.



Who: Carrie and Gabi
What: Sewing class discussion
When: April 19th
Where: Diner by the boutique?

Carrie had a ton of ideas, like class size, age of the kids she wanted to teach, maybe say 10-13, etc. She couldn't wait to run them all by her boss but she was also nervous. She had never done something so big on her own before. Cathy always did stuff like this, like opening her own dance school. But now it was Carrie's turn to shine, she hoped. She sat sipping on a juice and waiting for Gabi to arrive. Her portfolio was in a bag at her feet and ideas alongside that. But she didn't want them on the table to get dirty while she waited. She was like 15 minutes early in her nerves as well.



I just found a Bunny in my yard. A real Bunny, but then he was gone. He left me a few eggs! So cool! One had a dollar in it and one had some candy! This is awesome! Anyone else find anything today?



I just found a little easter egg with a small model lego car inside. So cool. I haven't found an easter egg in years. I found it right outside Topanga's. Jamie, come quick. I saved you an egg. I didn't see who left it, though.



Jensen Family

My new friend, Carrie has asked me to church on Sunday. Would you like to come with me?



Delivered Sunday at Chuch, Happy Easter!

(ooc: Posting now because tomorrow and Sunday and today I have Easter stuff with my own daughter so I do not want to forget!)

To Jamie )



Given on Sunday, or over the weekend when she sees her friends

(ooc: Posting early so I do not forget)

Easter Goodies )



What the hell? There is an enormous bunny hopping around. I thought I was in the remake of Harvey for a minute. He dropped some eggs, then was gone.

Of course I opened them, they had Lindt candies in them. If that's the Easter bunny, I say come back. I want more eggs.



Young Avengers

So um... hi.

My name is Kelly Jackson. I introduced myself as Tundra to Spider-girl when I barged in and helped you guys when the invasion happened.

I noticed that right as I walked up, one of the boys was injured. I just wanted to check in and make sure that he is OK now.