May 2024



February 12th, 2019


So, just experienced a song and dance number.
Now I have chocolates.
These little cherubs are kinda neat.
Cute, too.

Who: Aves & Carolyn & Noah
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Near the Sunnydale park
What: Enjoying the weather with a little stroll
Rating: low
Status: Closed/Progressing
mothers everywhere unite! )



For the special day coming up this week, we are running various specials at Topanga's.

Be sure to stop in alone on Thursday for the best discounts on various cookies and pastries.

Who: Sosha (Sofia & Sasha)
When: Early Tuesday Morning
Where: Hospital
What: Talking?
Rating: mentions of torture, injuries, trauma, there's some coping to be done
Status: Closed/Progressing
please no more )







characters: Allison and Scarlet.
setting: Allison's place.
summary: just hanging out, lovey-dovey stuff.
rating/warnings: TBD.

Read more... )





Did I crossover?



Stepped out for coffee, came back with chocolates, flowers, and wine.

Didn't even get the coffee.





You have no plans on the 14th.

It's our first Valentines as wife and wife, I plan to spoil you the whole day!



And I'm back.

Seriously, I wish this place would stop whip lashing my life around.



I want someone to spend Valentines with.

Sounds so romantic...



La Bonne Nuit is having a speacil, two for one prices on the 14th.

Bring you and your SO to the speakeasy for a great show and good tines!

Look forward to entertaining you!




Just wanted to see how everyone is doing.

Check in.

[Brown Recluse]

I'm assuming that's not your name, do you want me to call you that or by your name?



Red stepped on my device and I've been busy with school, him, working on my secret lab, and other stuff to get it replaced.

Thankfully, I have the best adopted mom who hooked me up with one this morning and so I'm back.

Did I miss anything? I don't think so, but thought I'd ask.

Also with the influx of new people, please if you see a red T-Rex walking around with a girl on his head, don't scream at him! He's not harmful, I promise! We have been really good without breaking anything and I'd like to keep that going. The Cherubs even gave him some beef jerky the other day, they like him.



I have the best daughter, she is amazeballs.

I falling in love with this place a little more each day.



Who: Diana and OTA
Where: Freedomtown Park
When: Now
Rating: Low?
Open: Yep

You don't know about me. )



Feeling bored today.

Anyone want to hang or anything? Get lunch? brunch? Whatever.



Oh god, I just felt a contraction.....please don't say I'll be having a baby this week.



voice post
What is this?

Hera? Ezra?



So, uh, Aubrey, you should talk to my, uh, my... my uh, friend. Yeah. He can help you out some with your, uh. You know. Magic tricks. I think he's got some, uh, card tricks and stuff you haven't seen.

Merlin. Uh. Hey.



Quick question to... pretty much anyone, really: got any recommendations for a good place to get some dinner here?

Private to Arizona Robbins
Dr. Robbins? Hi. Brian Pritchard. New arrival here. I just talked with Chief Webber about taking on a job at XMH, and from what I've gathered, you seem to be the person to talk to. I'm going to be working primarily in child psychology, but will also be helping out with peds, so... I just figured we should get to know each other.



I first thought the cupids were some kind of demon. I killed one and two popped up in it's place. They hit me with a flood of arrows. Then I started singing. My thoughts naturally went to Finn.

Filtered to Slayers
How about we go to the gym on Thursday and work out.

Filtered to Finn
The cupids inspired me, so I thought I'd make you a music video, I don't think you've heard me sing, but it's really is me singing.
Sing me to sleep.



Brooke, Lydia, Lily

Clear your schedules for Thursday evening! I want to take my favorite ladies ( and little dudes ) out and spoil them.




[Someone has not noticed that the video feed has switched on]

[Someone has not noticed that the video feed has switched on as he is too busy Force choking a cherub in an attempt to get it to finally shut the hell up]

[He's not in a particularly good mood, as you might guess]

[Moka and Emma]

Sorry I disappeared for a few days, girls. I had some shit to deal with but don't worry, I'm home now.


I'm going to say this to you once then I hope I never have to talk to you again.

Stay away from Bea. She's mine. She'll never be yours. Accept it and move on.



A Day For Love.

Who: Wednesday and Lucas
Where: Addams Manor
When: 14th Feb
Rating: Low? Though general warning just in case.

Read More )


Are you feeling better? Do you want to come hang out at the hotel on Thursday?



Someone wanna watch my kid on Thursday so I can have some uninterrupted time with my boyfriend? Please, thanks and all that stuff. I'll even give you money for dinner.



Private to Queen Irinia
Your Majesty... with your permission, I need to take a couple of days off. I... I'm sorry, I'm just very shaken right now. Will this be a problem?

Private to Lorelei Gilmore
Lor... this is either about to the be the best or worst day of my life.



Rachelle Martin-Bale

Hey boss.



Does anyone know of any romantic restaurants around here?



I can't wait for Thursday to be over. Valentine's Day is torture when your SO is an entire planet away from you. It was going to be our first Valentine's Day together, too. FML.