May 2024



January 16th, 2019



Some Needed Laughter

Who: Mal and Mere
Where: Foley's
When: Recently
What: Meeting a new crew member
Rating: Before New Year's

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Ugh....I don't feel good at all. I hope that there is nothing wrong with the baby, I only have a couple months left. It's not contractions, I just feel dizzy like I'm going to pass out. I think to just make sure, I'm going to go to the hospital.



Queen Idrina

Your highness, can I please have a moment of your time.

It's very important.



This is different but I see my family is here.



Took me a few days to be able to process all this without having either a massive freakout or a panic attack, but nonetheless, I'm dealing better now.

Hi everyone. I'm Dr. Carly McDonald, trauma surgeon for UCLA Medical Center.

Well... I mean in my world I am. In this one they've probably never heard of me.

Which kinda freaks me out all over again. Omg.



Alright... cool.

So assuming this isn't a dream (and judging by the lack of nude women, I'm gonna guess it's not), this is pretty fucking crazy.

I'm seeing a few familiar names on the citizen list... not the one that means the most, sadly... so if you guys are seeing this, hit me up so we can talk.

Also, if this is serious, and all these fictional people are real here? If Wonder Woman is out there, gimme a holler. You won't regret it.



Ho-lee SHIT! Real trans-reality displacement... I've had theories about this for years but I never thought I'd actually experience it. Gotta admit - while I never thought about one reality's fiction being another reality's truth, it makes total sense, because it's a way for all realities to be tethered together in some way, no matter how minute.

Oh. Heh. Sorry for the word-vomit. I'm Hayley. Hope to meet all of you!



Oh no, oh no.

The people at the welcome center said I was stuck here.



Jessica and I were wondering if you two would like to come out to dinner with us one night soon.



Hello everyone!

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Melinda Halliwell. Just shy of a year ago, I reached out to other parents here on the network to set up a playgroup. I wanted my young son to have some children his own age to play with. Initially it was for children around ages 4-6, but I know we have a lot of parents here with children of all ages. So if you're a parent and would like to be included in our little group, please reach out and let me know. We get together for playdates and often use one another for resources in a variety of ways.



Advertisement: New Crew Required

This is embarrassing. Why can't someone else do this.

My name is Malcolm Reynolds. I captain the cargo ship Serenity and find myself in need of new crew members, specifically: a mechanic, a pilot and a doctor. For the most part-- Our primary job is to provide goods and services that aren't readily available on Galador.

I won't lie. The work is hard and the days are long, but you'll never find more rewarding work.

If this interests you, please contact me or Alex Vause directly. Alex Vause preferably.