May 2024



January 4th, 2019




If this is some kind of joke I will end you.



Mom is gone, but I know she'll be back, cause clearly I need to be born.

I need to blow off some steam tonight, anyone want to go dancing?



I wish it would snow next week, so we don't have to go back to school!!!

Also Sheldon, I saw a spider on your head.



I'm proud to announce that on 1-11 a soft opening of Michelle's will take place!

I've poured all my heart and soul into it, I look forward to sharing my work with everyone.



I'm so tired.

Ms. Lance asked I kept my distance while she finished out my paperwork and get me an appointment to see a doctor. I just want to sleep.



You take one tiny trip back to earth, blow up shit, and now I'm stuck here ban from Earth for six months as punishment.

I'll get back down there, my mission isn't complete yet.

At least Jonathan is with me.




Want to hit the shooting gallery today?



Allison Argent

Hey. I had fun ice skating with you on Christmas. My butt not so much. Good thing I heal fast.



I would like to do a PSA to all the little wondering minds out there.

Just because you read it in a book, think you can handle the task, ask your parents or in my case your guardian first before you do any of it.

Don't fumigate the whole house cause your sister said she saw a spider. How he even made the poison, I don't know. But we are all kicked out of the house for three days!

Anyone want to put up myself, two pre-teen, a young adult, and Raj?

Sheldon you are so grounded when we get back in the house. No computer for like a month...okay a week. I mean it!



My daughter's gone and my baby daddy.


Even the gem is shitty to my relationships.

Looks like there's going to be a lot of cupcakes and other sweets made this weekend.



I'm looking to hire a couple of people to assist me in my bakery, located in Hogsmeade. Please let me know if you are interested.

Would you like to come by for lunch tomorrow?