May 2024



December 25th, 2018


Merry Christmas everyone! [ She includes a picture of herself and Max with Kelly, Diana, and Isabella by their Christmas tree ]

The Crashdown will be open today from 11am to 6pm and our big special is all you can eat Turkey for $7.95. Why cook when we can cook for you?

Thank you to everyone that made Breakfast with Santa such a success. We look forward to seeing you again next year.

Upcoming events: New Years Eve party for Senior Citizens. My father did it every year at home and I want to follow tradition here. If anyone wants to help out for that, let me know. As always, any employees will get extra pay for volunteering.

[Roswellians and Co]

Dinner will be at 6 tonight at the Crashdown. There should be plenty left over from the Turkey special for all of us to enjoy so no need to bring anything for dinner. Reminder though: we'll be doing a White Elephant gift exchange so don't forget to bring something! I'm looking at you, older Michael.

Merry Christmas from the Guerins. [ Included is a picture of him and Aves with Nevaeh and her new doll ]



Merry Christmas! Shitter was full.



Hmph. Who cares about stupid Christmas anyway.



Merry Christmas, everyone. Hope you all have a great day.



To everyone from my world, I wish you a Happy Life Day. To those in this place, a Merry Christmas.

The reasons for the holidays may be different, but the message of peace and love remains.



Since neither of us have any family here or anything... I think I'ma grab my sweetie and find someplace that's open where we can dance and have a few drinks.

Anyone feel like joining us?



Merry Christmas and all that chessy stuff. I'm just here to announce that we ( me, Eve, Miles for anyone not paying attention ) finally set a wedding date; July 1st, 2019.

If anyone that can officiate it send me a message, that would be great.

[kid!Eve, Elliot, kid!Regina, open to Miles and Eve]

Carve out some time on New Years Eve. We want all of you to be there as we get married. We decided we wanted to do it as just a family first.