May 2024



October 19th, 2018



There are a lot of things I will accept and deal with in a mostly calm and quiet fashion.

However taking me away from my family and causing them to worry over my disappearance is not on that list.

My siblings and I don't deal well with people threatening us or trying to separate us.

And dropping me in the middle of the street to get attacked by a really large wolf? That was not on! Your monster became fuzzy en flambe.

Caleb is going to tear something or someone apart.



Um anyone else have CRAZY weather last night or was it just Gotham? And why does downtown look like a massive fireball blew up? WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS PLACE?

[It was just that city because of Colin fighting off wolves with his magic. Fire was thanks to his brother Kylian]



A giant plant just tried to eat me! My paradise isn't safe anymore.



Am I really a werewolf now?! I heard people talking outside the door.




Coffee date in the cafeteria? I need a pick me up and I feel like I need to make up for being a crappy girlfriend.

[Rose and Cara]

How are you girls doing with all of this? I haven't really been home to ask you.




Did you see yet? About Jr ...


Can we just never leave each other's side right now? Too much loss is happening and I DON'T want to lose you :(

[Cousins + Celyn, Jef, Aria, Lyric, Diana, Jamie, Maxi, Axel]

Movie night to raise moral? We can order enough food to feed an army and just eat our feelings as we watch a movie so bad that it's funny.

[Friends (if Lita is friendly with your character, they count)]

Check in! I need to know you're all still with me.



Private to Kat

I miss you...




Lita wants us to come over in a few days. It will just be the cousins and some of the aunts or uncles that are our age.

No one will be expecting is to be functional or anything like that.

She's also coming over to see us alone so she can be here. She lost a good friend and needs family right now.