May 2024



September 26th, 2018



Who: Luke Skywalker and Ben Solo
What: a late night crisis
When: middle of the night on 9/25
Where: Luke’s home
Warnings: suicidal teenager

Read more... )



I know flying away from your problems never solves anything, but, by the Gods, I really want to try it.



Who: Queen Shiklah and Taako
Where: Palace
What: Taako getting a job.
When: Now.
Rating: High.
Open: Those in the palace, poke me or Veet first.

Show me what you got. )



I try not to put too much of myself out there for all to see. I don't like feeling weak, or vulnerable, or worse... needy.

But sometimes even I need to vent a little. Feel free to skim right past this post... I'm just writing it in place of having anyone to actually relate to about it.

I have friends here... yet I've never felt more alone.

I have a child... yet I've no idea how to be a mother.

I hate being lonely... yet I can't get myself to be even slightly interested in anyone. Because I want him to come back to me. Nobody else.

In a way... I'm almost angry at him. I was just fine on my own, until he had to come along and make me love him. Father a child he won't even get to hold. Leave this life and take my heart with him.

War is a terrible thing. You can't be surprised when lives are lost. But damn... it sure doesn't hurt any less.




[Selfie video of her and Kat riding the hover to school]