May 2024



May 1st, 2018



Filter: Beacons Hills [minus Stiles' Dad]

So hey. Since there's so many of us here I figured we should all get together and have a party. What does everyone think?



...You're shitting me with this, right?



Filtered to all doctors at Xavier Memorial Hospital

I was approached today by a man named Eugene Thompson, a former Sergeant in the United States Army. He lost both of his legs fighting in Iraq. For the last few years, he'd been "whole" again by being bonded with what is called a "symbiote", from a world called Klyntar. Recently, the symbiote, for reasons undisclosed, abandoned Sgt. Thompson and he is now once more confined to a wheelchair.

Sgt. Thompson came to me inquiring about the surgery I helped develop that allowed Dr. Robbins to replace the leg she lost in an airplane crash. He is looking to have a double leg replacement done. Now, we would have to do some initial tests first, to make sure that the point of amputation is still viable. But if it is, we could have a truly historic surgery on our hands here.

So, I ask you all... thoughts? Concerns? Opinions? Offers of assistance?



Message to Gus

What do you want for dinner? I can grill out, we can play cards or something as well. Unless you have plans.



I need a drink after the fucking day I’ve had!!



Man I love a good bookstore. I can stay in them for hours.



Soooo I’m in a movie night and snacks sort of night. Anyone interested?



Message to 10th Doctor

Do you want to do something? Just the two of us?



I could go for a drink tonight.



Private to Erin Shepherd
Hey sweetheart. Can I ask you something?

Private to Zola Grey-Shepherd
Hey Zo. So... there's kinda something we need to talk about.

Who: Brenda and Thomas
Where: Freedomtown Park to their apartment
When: Right after their arrival
What: "Is this place for real?"
Rating: low

I've got a bad feeling about this. )

Filter: Thomas

There's another one.