May 2024



April 12th, 2018



I can't believe it took me this long to get myself involved with the refugees. Considering my mom was a refugee from THIS planet, you'd think I'd have checked in on you all sooner.

Still... nothing like an insane royal party for an intro to the new peeps.

For those who didn't meet me at the glorified kegger party, I'm Nyx. I'm one of the Spaceknights who will be helping out around here, maintaining law and order and all that good shit.

Filtered to Bea and Tea

Hooooly shit, girls. That party was amazeballs. Even back on earth I've never been as fucked up as I got there. Anytime you two want to party, srsly give me a call.



Hey... what's up everyone? Rick McQuade here, just letting you all know that my nightclub, Ryze, will be holding it's grand opening this weekend, from tonight until Sunday night. It's in Freedomtown, just a few blocks from Xavier Memorial Hospital.

Hope to see you all there.



Filtered to Grey's crew

So... apparently I'm now pretty much besties with a freakin' princess, as if this place couldn't be any cooler/weirder....



So I've been running into this guy that looks like my husband, but he isn't my husband at all. This place is trying to fuck with me isn't it?



Afternoon, everyone.

It seems like introducing myself here is the thing to do, so hullo. I'm Roxanne Weasley. Originally of the United Kingdom on Earth. Not so much anymore, it seems. Pleasure to meet all of you, I'm sure.

And if anyone can tell me the best way to get to New London, I'd appreciate it? From what I'm told, it's the closest I'll get to home while I'm here.



Anyone want to go out and have some fun tonight? I know that I'm underage, but, I want to get out and do something.



So anyone up for an adventure? I'm feeling like doing something daring, but I don't know what yet....



Anyone up for going and getting some chips with me? I've been craving chips all day.



Anyone else up for getting dressed up and going for a night out on the town? I could use a night out.



I could definitely go for a drink at the moment. Anyone want to join me?



Who: AUFaith and Lucifer Morningstar
Where:In the Park working out
Status:Closed and Ongoing
Warning:None it's AU Faith

Downward Dog )



Filtered to Tea, Katie, Bea, Freddie, and Shiklah

Princess Tea - I would like to further discuss our arrangements in regards to my working as your bodyguard. I have added the people I feel should be privy to this into the filter.



text post: sara lance

I already miss Aruba.



text post: jacinda vidrio

Well, that was strange.



text post: betty cooper

I'm back here again? That was so weird.



text post: clary fray

Jace? Are you still here?



text post: maureen cahill

Since I'm back, I have some open sessions.



text post: trish murtaugh

I'm back. And Roger? You better not be eating anything you shouldn't.



text post: selina kyle

Damn it, I need to make sure Bruce is okay.



text post: daisy johnson

I need to get back and find Coulson right now.




I haven't had one since we've been here and honestly, I need some fun in my life.

Perhaps I'll open a club, I had one at home or a strip joint, HARLEY NEEDS FUN!



If anyone happens to run into a young girl going by the name Selina please tell her that we'd like for her to come home.

Robin Locksley:
How could we have not noticed that she was missing until now?