May 2024



February 14th, 2018



Who: Zola and Open ( Multiples welcome )
What: Doctors make horrible patients
Where: Hospital
When: Recently
Warning: Shouldn't be any
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Who: Amy and Open ( Mutiples welcome )
What: Recovering
Where: Hospital
When: Recently
Warning: None
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Filtered to Jaina

How are you doing? Would you like to get together for lunch or something soon?

I'm still adjusting to my parents being here. And so many others. But not all seem to be from our timeline.

Anyway, I just wondered how you were holding up since we haven't talked in a while.



texts to amy )



Sorry if this is lame, or eyeroll-worthy, but I feel the need to put it out there anyway.

I met Whitney Ramirez shortly before she gave birth to little Neveah. In what was merely an attempt to help her get to the hospital and remain calm, I ended up having the honor of being beside her while that beautiful baby girl was brought into the world.

Since then, we've grown closer and closer, to where I can't even bear to imagine my life without either of them in it. With Whitney's blessing, I consider myself another mom to Nev. And it's the best thing in the world.

I've been through a lot in my short life, but knowing that I get to love every inch of Whitney Ramirez's body and soul for the rest of my life makes it all well worth it.

I love you, my beautiful, amazing soulmate. Today, tomorrow, and for eternity. Happy Valentine's Day.



What is going on? What is this place?

What kind of place allows women outside looking like that?



accidental voice post;

There's a loud scream followed by several panicked gasps.



Oh man! I love candy! And I guess if the holiday means I get candy I kind of like Valentine's Day too.



Again? Really, mother? You couldn't keep me at the Fauline cottage so you sent me here? At least I'm not with that witch anymore.




If one person laughs at me, oh you don't even want to know.

Karolina, I haven't said this before. It's been felt for a long time but, yeah, never said. I know it's been hard for you. My love isn't only based on how I feel but letting someone into Neveah's life. I want you in our lives forever. I love you so much.

And this? This is for you.

[ Whit starts singing this ]