May 2024



October 31st, 2017



It's Halloween! But I'm too old to trick or treat now. Ellis, can I still have some candy?



I used to look forward to parties and fun on Halloween. Somehow... I just don't have it in me this year. Other than taking Erin to the Crashdown, I think I'm just gonna sit at home this year.

That storm just came out of no where. Kind of fitting for Halloween I guess.

No one panic. If that powers goes out here, we have a back up generator. A little storm isn't going to ruin the fun.



Return me to my circle. NOW!



This talking creature showed me how to use this device and said that I should introduce myself.

My name is Lillian Jane Evans. I'm a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the Scottish Highlands. I was sorted into Gryffindor House at the start of my first year and have been Head Girl since the beginning of this school year.

Can anyone see this?



I know a lot of you are going to be out tonight for Halloween. Just do us both a favor and stay the hell out of the park tonight? This is the kind of night where I could see some weird shit coming through that portal, and I'd rather not have anyone caught in the crossfire if it does.

What the shenanigans?!
Someone tell em something that makes sense, please.



i wish the storm would go away. i don't like the thunder.



Who: Colin and Izzy
What: Meeting
Where: Park
When: After they both arrived
Warning: TBD
Read more... )




So, there's this American thing called Halloween. It's this crazy thing. People dress up as things that scare them or what they think other people will find scary.

We should go out. I want you to experience this.