May 2024



July 5th, 2017



WWE party this coming Sunday at our place!!!!

With a name like "Great Balls of Fire", it's like they made this one just for me. There's a serious chance for utter chaos (and me burning shit) when my two favorite ladies beat the shit out of each other for the women's championship. No matter who wins, I'll still be pissed!

So who's coming?



The Beginning

"Sone, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." Lana says to her maltese Sone. Sone looks at Lana and whines nervously. "It's okay. we've got each other," she says. Frankly, that's all she needs. Lana holds on tight to Sone as sbe looks for her mom and dad. They were in the process of moving to a city called Smallville in God knows what state, except they never quite got there. Lana's mom got a new job and as they were on our way to a town named Smallville. To Lana, the only good thing was that she was leaving her old high school. North Shore High. She was supposed to go to some new school called Smallville High. "Very original Mom and Dad," Lana said to her parents sarcastically when they told her in the car as they were driving. Suddenly, they all started to feel floopy and then they screamed holding onto each other's hand. The last thing I remember is Mom and Dad telling me to hold on tight. They all fell through the same big hole, and when Lana stood up to talk to her parents, they weren't next to her. "Where could they be? We were just holding onto each other. Do I look for them? Or should I set up camp here for now?" thought Lana. So many thoughts went through her head, especially after that creepy talking dog. She told it to go away. Lana was relieved to see that she somehow still had her purse too. She missed her parents. Sone knew because she licks her owner to remind her she's there and Lana gives Sone a big hug and kiss still holding her close. She looks around but she doesn't see anyone. "I'll find Mom and Dad somehow in," she tells herself, "but remember. You can't trust anyone. Ever."