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Posts Tagged: 'zoe+adams+%28maths%29'

Apr. 8th, 2021



Just... wanted to toss something out there to all of you.

You're gonna hear a lot of rumors over the next few days, and while some of them are true, please bear with us and don't panic about anything. I promise you that before this time next week, I will have an official statement for you about everything, and will answer any questions you have.

Cheryl Blossom
Babe? Can I get your honest opinion about something?

Dec. 15th, 2020



Great, just great.

Look, I'm not a fan of just being uprooted from my home, but this might actually be better.

I'm Taryn White and I just got settled in at the group home with my friend from Springwood.

[Filtered to people okay with illegal sorts of activities.]

So what's the scene like here? I've gone a bit too long without being "medicated".

Nov. 1st, 2020



I finally thought I had my life together, and boom, welcome to another planet. Story of my life. Hello all. I'm Sloane and I'm new here if that weren't obvious.

Oct. 21st, 2020



I definitely chose the best place to live in the galaxy.

Sep. 16th, 2020



Since Emily's Little Sister hasn't shown up yet I think I'm just going to rebuild her. Glimmer's letting me set up a lab here at Bright Moon so that I don't have to keep borrowing space from my friends for my experiments. Now you can all come borrow space in mine!

Sep. 3rd, 2020



OMG, this is seriously the coolest thing ever!

So this is space and the Birds of Prey are here? And I can actually talk about them?

Somebody freakin' pinch me!

Aug. 25th, 2020



I'm antsy as all hell tonight.

Who wants to show my cute lil' ass around? I can promise entertainment in the form of relentless mocking of others and more snark than anyone can reasonably handle.

Aug. 1st, 2020



OOC: Backdated post to after this

Can anybody keep an eye on Emily for me? Hannibal is taking me to Disney World!

Jul. 21st, 2020



The technology in this place is un-freakin'-believable!!!

Not to step on any toes here, but who would I need to talk to about getting hands-on with some of this stuff? These are things I envisioned years ago but never had the means to even attempt!

Jul. 6th, 2020



I think I am in the best shape of my life. I am really enjoying teaching my pole dancing classes and I hope that everyone that comes enjoys it too. I have time to take care of baby Eliza, teenage Eliza has a job of her own. I have the hottest boyfriend ever. I have to say that life is really good right now. I can't help but smile everyday.

Jun. 13th, 2020



I am so excited about this football league I signed up for. Can't wait to see where I get posted and whom my teammates are.



I've never seen First Ones tech like this before! I want to figure out how it works but when I tried to I got scolded by one of the women in the first building Emily and I came across.

I'm assuming it was because I wasn't in a lab and they were concerned about me losing parts outside of a controlled environment. Emily wouldn't let that happen during one of my experiments.

May. 3rd, 2020



So! I have a story I wanted to share on my radio show but I realized it's one of those long drawn out ones that would take up too much time. I created a youtube channel for stories such as this and here is the first video! It's a get ready with me makeup thing so if you're not feeling that, just minimize me and listen. All links to my various social media will be in the deception box to give those a looksie too if you'd like!

[Pretend the channel is called "Angie J"]

Apr. 10th, 2020



We don't go out to eat a lot as a family because I prefer to cook but I'm thinking ahead to next month and I know there are some parents out there that might be able to help me.

Are there any restaurants out there with a children's play area? I'm something more upscale than McDonald's. A place where they sing to you and bring out cake for your birthday is a bonus but not necessary.


I'm home and almost ready for tonight! I've been looking forward to this all week.


Thank you for tonight! Dinner is in the fridge ready to be heated up. I made it last night.

Mar. 26th, 2020



So now that it's about to start getting warmer, I'm worried that the necklace that Presto charmed for me isn't going to work anymore now that he's no longer here.

Is there anyone else here that can do something similar for me?

Mar. 8th, 2020




Oh what a night!

I'm 19, yay!

Feb. 10th, 2020



Okaaaay this is not where I wanted to be when walking into the studio but I can work with this. I'm in a cool new place that hasn't heard my voice or music yet and now I can change that! Galador, get ready to hear A.J and DJ Scampy in your ears soon if I have anything to do with it.

First things first, though. Roommate. Does anyone need one? Oh! First should be my name. I'm Angela but everyone just calls me Angie.

Jan. 15th, 2020



Odd question here... but what are the chances of one of the genius minds here being able to create something they really should have no way of making in this reality?

Luke Skywalker
Master Skywalker. You don't know me, but my name is Finn. In my world I'm with The Resistance and my friend Rey was trained by you. Would you be willing to talk to me about something important?

Jan. 2nd, 2020



Can this week be over please? I got a lot of loot on NYE. Will remake into some beautiful Jewelry pieces.

Dec. 10th, 2019



I feel as though everything is starting to feel more real now.

The novelty of being here is long worn off. As is any anger or bitterness I had regarding Michiru. I find that any hope I had for any of this turning around is worn off now too. There's just that feeling of acceptance now, that admission to yourself that this is what you're left with.

Nov. 10th, 2019



I'm in a super energetic mood tonight. Anyone got ideas for something to do?

Oct. 7th, 2019



This place just seems to grow by the minute, doesn't it? I hope all of our new arrivals are doing well!

Blessed be!

Samhain is nearly here. I would like to extend an invitation to anyone who doesn't want to celebrate alone to join me. I'll be preparing a Feast of the Dead dinner (though we can easily change that to a potluck), and plan to light a bonfire as well. If enough are interested, perhaps a nature walk earlier in the day or a group ritual.

It's almost Samhain, so you know what that means. Time for Mom to renovate and re-focus. No need to worry if you find me tossing out junk I don't need and scrubbing the house.

On an unrelated note, did either of you find anything from home recently?

Sep. 3rd, 2019



I guess this place isn't that bad. I've been here a bit but first time posting on the Network. I'm Ernie. I think there are some people from home here?

Aug. 5th, 2019



This is the last time I buy mushrooms off of James Franco. That dude is into some weird shit.

Jul. 7th, 2019



I've finally found a workshop.

Jun. 25th, 2019



I honestly thought it would take at least a full 24 hours for the novelty of going back in time to wear off, but here we are.

Now I'm bored, with no friends, no sister, and no girlfriend.

What the hell is there to do here in 2019?

Jun. 24th, 2019



If you see floating balloons in the sky, there's mine, please leave them be.

They are collecting data for the weather, nothing more than that.

Jun. 11th, 2019



I keep seeing people talk about missing their families... and I realized family isn't always blood. Family is the circle you make for yourself, of people you love, trust, and would die for.

I have Queen Irinia. She's my best friend, has been since we were little girls.

But dammit, I want a family. Suppose I should start working on that, hm?

Jun. 2nd, 2019



Not sure if it's really a thing here or not, but either way:

Happy Pride Month, everyone. Never be anything but PROUD of who and what you are.

May. 10th, 2019



Ugh. Sunday is Mother's Day isn't it? No puedo lidiar con eso. I'll be at the bottom of a bottle of Tequila if anyone needs me.

May. 7th, 2019



I'd like to apologize to everyone for my recent behavior. I'm better than that. Losing someone is never easy, but I guess that losing the same person three times was my limit.

Apr. 11th, 2019



Is this the part where I say that I come in peace? Since technically I’m the alien in this scenario.

I wanted to give everyone a heads up of my little friends flying around. They don’t bite but if you try to bother them they might shock you. It’s only a security measure. They’re just gathering data on the planet, weather patterns, and demographics for me.



Having a rare melancholy kinda night. Just thinking about the people I've lost over the last few years.

Ugh. I hate when things like that creep up on me and hit me in the feels.

Someone distract me?