May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'tom+%28blindfoldings%29'

Jun. 26th, 2021



Let me just tell you, losing this baby weight is hard!! But at least there is no nausea, no wearing big dresses that look like circus tents, my boobs are still tender, but at least I was able to help a couple bring life into the world and that makes me very grateful.

Apr. 20th, 2021



Hey, y'all!

So, as many of you know, while I personally don't date anyone, I'm in love with the concept of love.

I love hearing about it, reading about it, and seeing it.

So with so much stress and tension around here lately, let's revel in love.

Are you dating someone? Tell us all about them. What you love about them. How you fell in love. Anything you like.

Got a crush? Tell me about 'em. What makes you like them? How do they make you feel?

Let's hear it, folks! Don't let me down!

Apr. 6th, 2021



I can't believe that David and I are about to welcome a newborn baby here pretty soon. I have been working on the nursery and getting it ready. Plus helping out with Kat as much as possible.

Mar. 15th, 2021



You know, people are right. Pregnancy does make a person glow. I mean, I'm not all for the bigger clothes because I am practically wearing circus tents about now. But, I am enjoying all the aspects of being pregnant. I am so glad I am able to give two people a gift of love. Only about 12 weeks or so left to go.

Feb. 7th, 2021



I am a little over 5 months pregnant now and my belly is seems to be growing. I have the best support system ever. David and Patrick are rockstars at helping, my sister Tamora is just about the coolest sister ever, and of course to the best guy ever Tom. Lord knows that when my cravings begin and I always make him go get food for me. I can honestly say that pickles and ice cream are the best and so is chocolate sauce on french fries.

So Valentines Day is coming up, can I just say that I'm glad that my morning sickness has been over. And I'm sorry for my high libido, didn't know pregnancy could make a person want to have sex so often. But anyway, how should we celebrate Valentines Day? Should we stay in or go out?

Jan. 14th, 2021



It makes my heart feel good to see proof that some of my decisions have made such a positive impact on peoples' lives...

Dec. 9th, 2020



Thanksgiving has gone and past and now it's close to Christmas. Think it's too early to start the nursery? I really wouldn't mind doing that.....also I am so very grateful everyday for Kat, she is doing us a tremendous favor, bringing a child into the world for me and David, pretty much owe her big time for this...

Nov. 16th, 2020



Well, I am starting to keep some food down at least. I am nearing towards the end of the first trimester. I am hoping that this means that I'm not going to look so gloomy and god awful anymore and that I will no longer be praying to the porcelain gods every few hours. Which also means a 12 week doctor's appointment and ultrasound. But, if the doctor is practically going to probe me right there to look at the baby, at least he could take me to dinner first….KIDDING!!! I'm only kidding, I am looking forward to seeing how this little nugget is growing.

Oct. 17th, 2020



Okay so this morning sickness can suck it!! I am so tired of not being able to keep anything down except ginger ale and some saltine crackers. When will this ever end?!?!?

Oct. 3rd, 2020



3 more weeks until Malcolm turns 5. Now I am also halfway through my pregnancy as well. 20 weeks. I found out the gender, too. Back home we could not do that yet, but now I know I am having a girl. I am happy for Malcolm to have a little sister. He is doing much better here away from his father, too.

Sep. 12th, 2020



Filtered to Tamora
So you know how I told David and Patrick that I would be their surrogate? Well, I took a test because I have not been feeling the greatest. It said it was positive, I took like 4 of them with the same result. I think I will be telling David and Patrick that they will be daddies. I wanted to tell you first though. I'm pregnant.

Filtered to David
Hey, so I have good news. The procedure worked. I'm pregnant. I thought I might tell you, so that you could tell Patrick.

Filtered to Tom
So, I wanted to tell you while I'm telling everyone else. It seems that the procedure worked, I will be carrying a baby for David and Patrick. So how would you feel taking care of a pregnant woman?

Sep. 8th, 2020



It's nice to have a day off, feel like I've been working nonstop for a few days.

What to do today?

Aug. 9th, 2020



I could really use a vacation…what's the best spot to go and why?

Jul. 6th, 2020



You know….family, good food and fireworks was a great way to celebrate the Fourth of July. Especially roman candle fights, I have some battle wounds but they are awesome.

May. 2nd, 2020



To All Our Friends

I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for gifts for JJ and the twins. It was sweet of you guys to remember them. It makes having a baby brother a little bit easier for them.

You all have been so sweet to us, thank you.

Jake and Kate

Apr. 12th, 2020



Any babysitters free next Friday?

Mar. 1st, 2020



I'm going to take JJ to the zoo. I want to introduce him to different sights and sounds. They say a babies mind is like a blank slate. That they soak up everything until they are six. Now I don't know if it's true or not. I've heard it more than once. I heard it first in college.

For the First 6 Years, your child absorbs everything says Maria Montessori. I'm not sure if there are any Montessori schools here or not. I hope so.

Today his little brain is going to experience the zoo. I think it will be good for him. Anyone want to come with?

Feb. 3rd, 2020



Now that I've had a few days to get acclimated to this strange place, I want to introduce myself.

I'm Clarice. I'm come here by way of Chicago and I'm currently 8 months pregnant with my first child. My girlfriend and I have settled in this place's version of our home town. I'm still not sure what to make of all of this.

I want to give a special shoutout to Dr. Robbins for seeing me as soon as I got here. The journey here was not kind to me but thankfully my boy is alright.

Jan. 6th, 2020



So I can't be completely bad at taking care of these two. I didn't plan a birthday party or anything though. Not sure they'll remember at one years old.

Dec. 5th, 2019



I should be weary about what the talking dog told me about this place? But after what I been thought it, I guess not.

Nov. 4th, 2019



I really enjoyed Halloween this year. Luckily for me, I didn't have any classes the next day. I am really liking this while college experience.

Oct. 7th, 2019



This place just seems to grow by the minute, doesn't it? I hope all of our new arrivals are doing well!

Blessed be!

Samhain is nearly here. I would like to extend an invitation to anyone who doesn't want to celebrate alone to join me. I'll be preparing a Feast of the Dead dinner (though we can easily change that to a potluck), and plan to light a bonfire as well. If enough are interested, perhaps a nature walk earlier in the day or a group ritual.

It's almost Samhain, so you know what that means. Time for Mom to renovate and re-focus. No need to worry if you find me tossing out junk I don't need and scrubbing the house.

On an unrelated note, did either of you find anything from home recently?

Sep. 6th, 2019



Have to say that the blind date thing was a very good idea. I know that I had some fun and I got to get out of the office and go do something. Which is rare for me.

Aug. 26th, 2019


On September 1st, my life here changed forever.

I woke up to my wife gone and our newborn son laying in her place. Avery and I have had a rough year of teething, bumps, scrapes, Aves returning, Aves leaving, "no!", and crying ( both of us ) but we've also had a lot of great things happen too and that's what I plan on focusing on that day.

The 1st is a Sunday. I'd like to invite everyone with children and those that want to celebrate Avery to join us at his Teddy Bear Picnic birthday party in Freedontown Park starting at 1 pm.

Grab a teddy and come join us. There will be food, games, and water toys. Turning one is beary fun, after all!

[Max Black]

Can I get a few dozen cupcakes for this? Whatever flavors you want to make. Teddy bear decorations would be cool.

Aug. 1st, 2019



Congratulations to Regina Loxley who successfully carried her twins to term. They were just a few days early. They are truly miracle children. I'm so proud of her, she was an excellent patient, even in all that pain.

I've had many of my patients deliver. That is always exciting.

I'm lucky to have a family that puts up with my late hours.

Jul. 18th, 2019



I know that I complain most days about things. But life is pretty good here at the moment. Baby Eliza is doing really well in her development. Teen Eliza is well, out enjoying her summer. I have an amazing boyfriend who is great with Eliza. I just can’t stop smiling now. But, there is just one piece that I’m missing and that’s work. I really would like to work for a publishing company if anyone knows of any around.

Jul. 16th, 2019



I think after six months I'm finally used to this place. Didn't think it would happen.

May. 5th, 2019



[info]freedomtownic there a law that says not appreciating Ronnie James Dio is punishable by death?

And if not, can there be?

Apr. 15th, 2019



Goddess... I feel like I haven't posted on here in an age. How's everyone doing? I see a lot of new arrivals as of late...

Mar. 18th, 2019



I earned my day off today.

Feb. 19th, 2019



I'm holding interviews for a live in nanny. I have two babies, Jesse and Belle. They're just over a month old.

Feb. 12th, 2019



Oh god, I just felt a contraction.....please don't say I'll be having a baby this week.

Jan. 16th, 2019



Hello everyone!

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Melinda Halliwell. Just shy of a year ago, I reached out to other parents here on the network to set up a playgroup. I wanted my young son to have some children his own age to play with. Initially it was for children around ages 4-6, but I know we have a lot of parents here with children of all ages. So if you're a parent and would like to be included in our little group, please reach out and let me know. We get together for playdates and often use one another for resources in a variety of ways.

Jan. 4th, 2019



I would like to do a PSA to all the little wondering minds out there.

Just because you read it in a book, think you can handle the task, ask your parents or in my case your guardian first before you do any of it.

Don't fumigate the whole house cause your sister said she saw a spider. How he even made the poison, I don't know. But we are all kicked out of the house for three days!

Anyone want to put up myself, two pre-teen, a young adult, and Raj?

Sheldon you are so grounded when we get back in the house. No computer for like a month...okay a week. I mean it!

Jan. 3rd, 2019



FML I'm on bed rest.

Jan. 2nd, 2019



From what I'm told the creatures won't come here. Not sure if I believe that. I can't believe Malorie didn't come with me. She was sleeping right next to me and then I was here. I didn't ask but is that normal? She was right next to me.