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Posts Tagged: 'thomas+wayne+jr+%28brokenspirited%29'

Apr. 6th, 2021



How do you come to terms with realizing you are capable of feelings and sexuality, when your entire life up to that point has been defined by pain?

Dec. 7th, 2020



So where are we getting together this year? At Wayne Manor or Wayne Tower?

Sep. 25th, 2020



My heart is heavy, my beloved has been a tremendous help. I do not know what I would do if Jon disappeared. This experience has taught me how privileged I am. I am grateful.

Aug. 15th, 2020



I have to say, as far as hangovers go, this has to be the funnest one yet.

Name's KJ. They tell me that this is some alien planet. I'm just going to take advantage that there is a town here that is called Gotham.

Jul. 21st, 2020



The technology in this place is un-freakin'-believable!!!

Not to step on any toes here, but who would I need to talk to about getting hands-on with some of this stuff? These are things I envisioned years ago but never had the means to even attempt!

Apr. 28th, 2020



Gotta love this place. Seriously. We go from a god-level being torching the park and everyone freaking out, to talking about music and dating like it's any other day. Not even talking smack here, just laughing at how absurd the "normal" we've all settled into is.

Private to Cassie Lang
So... I hear you're the person to talk to about joining a new supergroup.

Mar. 4th, 2020



I find myself wandering from one realm to another. I guess old habits die hard, I can't stop patrolling. It's all I can do to keep from walking every where.

Galador is beautiful from the sky. That was the first time I tried to get out of this place. There is an invisible barrier in the sky.

Is there some group or organization where a meta human may work, guard the planet, be a bodyguard?

I would like some company. I miss Themyscira. I'll even admit to missing Gotham.

Feb. 10th, 2020



Okaaaay this is not where I wanted to be when walking into the studio but I can work with this. I'm in a cool new place that hasn't heard my voice or music yet and now I can change that! Galador, get ready to hear A.J and DJ Scampy in your ears soon if I have anything to do with it.

First things first, though. Roommate. Does anyone need one? Oh! First should be my name. I'm Angela but everyone just calls me Angie.

Jan. 9th, 2020



It's a damn good thing I have lightening fast reflexes, or I would have definitely shot someone when I got here. At the same time, I'm definitely not complaining.

I see a few familiar names on here, but none of them probably know me. I'm Jane and I'm a biomedical engineer... only without formal education and training.

Dec. 7th, 2019



I asked you all to wish me good luck - well it worked. Right now, I'm in the midst of rehearsals for A Christmas Carol. I'm the Ghost of Christmas past. I wanted to do something that was outside my comfort zone. Thanks to all of you who wished me good luck, especially my boss.

Nov. 26th, 2019



The store is doing well. I expect Friday will be ridiculously busy. I'm going to be closed on Thanksgiving, just need a place to go.

Oct. 1st, 2019




This is going down easily as the weirdest day of my LIFE. Honest to god I thought I was dead and in heaven or something at first. I mean, Black Mask did some seriously unspeakable stuff to me and left me for dead. Next thing I know, an angel is healing me with a touch, and I'm in a world with monsters and Jedi and everything...

But this is real. Like... really real.

Holy shit.

Anyway... I'm Stephanie Brown. I'll... probably be staying at the group home for a while.

Sep. 1st, 2019



Is there anyone from SDF-1?



It's was the nicest night out last night. I still do it again sometime soon.

Aug. 5th, 2019



I must be dumb or just too incredibly busy having fun and doing things with my future kids that I forgot my own birthday that was back in June. So now I just have to wait a year and then I’ll be an adult and my kids don’t have to in different places. Also, I’ll be starting my senior year of high school. I’m nervous but excited.

BUT, Jack and I took a vacation to Disneyland and had the most incredible time. I love this guy....sometimes I think I’m dreaming because my life is such a happy one right now.

Jul. 28th, 2019



How is it that Idol is essentially the same as it is at home... only so much better?

May. 10th, 2019



Ugh. Sunday is Mother's Day isn't it? No puedo lidiar con eso. I'll be at the bottom of a bottle of Tequila if anyone needs me.

May. 1st, 2019



Alright, I admit defeat. I officially no longer know my way around this planet at ALL.

It's like an entirely new place. So would someone like to volunteer to show me around, or do I invoke my Spaceknight authority and appoint one of you my official tour guide? Because really: I'm not above doing that.

I'm bored, love. We need a girls' night, like we used to do years ago.

Mar. 18th, 2019



Just wanted to let everyone know that this week only, Steak Me Home Tonight will be having special prices on three of our most popular sandwiches, including the legendary Steaktanic.

We'll be outside of XMH each morning from 11am to 12:30pm, driving through Freedomtown, Sunnydale, and Gotham from 2:00pm to 4:00pm, then back outside of XMH from 5:00pm to 6:30pm.

Here's our menu, apologies in advance for any drool-related slip-and-falls caused by perusing it...

Steak Me Home Tonight )

Feb. 14th, 2019



In one hour, the Royal Hawaiian Hotel is going to lit up with hearts.

Come one and all to the Wonderland of The Mystics.

Jan. 27th, 2019



It is only a replica of Wayne Manor but is it strange that I still find myself unable to enter my father's office?

Jan. 6th, 2019



That's it I'm staying in Gotham, I refuse to be kicked out of my city. I'll stay in the Narrows if I have too

Jan. 2nd, 2019



It's nice to see Gotham, even if it's not my Gotham.

I'm a little-troubled that Jason is here...but I'll handle that in time.

I'm Bruce Wayne, wondering if any of my friends are out there.



Kicked out of Gotham, damnit Bruce.. we could have made the city a eutopia.

Jul. 5th, 2018



I thought that I would have trouble being here. I just wanted to go home but it's here. In the Gotham on this planet. I didn't think it would be. I still can't bring myself to go into my parent's room or Dad's office.

I still have to find someone to talk to but maybe I won't need that.

Jun. 25th, 2018



I.. I'm not supposed to be here.