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Posts Tagged: 'thale+lasamer+%28l_1%29'

Jun. 23rd, 2021



I should probably get on here more...

So the idea of Pride is new to me, but I've been a proud lesbian for years. What can a girl like me do to go out and meet people that isn't going out dancing?

May. 4th, 2021



This is weird. I'm not sure that I like it very much. There are more people in one city here than I've met in my entire life. And that includes the people that I killed. I feel that I should mention that based on what I've been told about this place, I believe that I'm actually from this multiverse. But you know... a bomb here, a virus there... poof! New world.

For anyone who cares, my name is Ginella and I'm a mutant. I'm 21, but I've never received any sort of formal education. Thankfully, I guess it's not necessary, due to my age?

Apr. 19th, 2021



I know that with the existence of Monster Island common knowledge now, a lot of people are going to want to see it. To see the creatures that live there.

Here's the thing, y'all.

We can't go treating this like some overblown petting zoo. This is their home. Would you like it if people started visiting your home just to butt into your business, get in your way, and bother your ass? Hell no you wouldn't. So we're not gonna do that to them.

That said, as the chosen caretaker of the land, I will allow small (VERY small) groups to take guided tours approved and scheduled by myself and Queen Emily. This way we can be sure to not bother the inhabitants, nor anger them.

This has been a public service announcement from the Kingdom of Monstropolis. If you don't like, fuck off.

Emily Wilson
Hey, babe... wanna come see our newest "residents" with me?

Apr. 14th, 2021




Being stabbed through the forehead fucking sucks, y'all.

Seriously. 0/10. Would not recommend.

Apr. 11th, 2021



Alright. Anyone who knows me knows that I try to do the right thing, even if I end up doing it in a really, really stupid way.

This right here is one of those stupid ways.

When Galador had a single ruling family, they contacted me about helping with something. As some of you might remember from a few years back, two kaiju (Kong and Clover) appeared here, brought by the gem.

Clover was defeated by having a starship explode in it's face, and Kong was knocked out by Ant-Man in a moment that hopefully gave him a lifetime of pussy being thrown at him.

Nobody ever really asked what happened to the kaiju after this, and I'm guessing everyone just assumed the gem took them just like it brought them. Well... that's not the case.

Those were far from the first kaiju to appear here. In fact, the first of them arrived shortly before we relocated to Galador. Trust me, it wasn't just people that were taking up too much room on Knowhere, folks.

So, we picked out a large, unoccupied continent on the other side of Galador, and have been using it as a habitat for any kaiju that are brought here. We've put one-way shields around it, that enable people/creatures/etc to enter the area, but not to leave without having the shields temporarily lowered.

We called it Monster Island (if you love cheesy old monster movies, you get it), and since I was (at the time) princess of a Monster Kingdom, I was told about it, so that I could help oversee it. I wasn't thrilled about the idea of hiding it from everyone, but a combination of getting their reasoning (if people knew about it, they'd be tempted to visit it and/or weaponize the kaiju) and the fact that they told me I could keep my widdle Jason if I went along with it convinced me.

These monsters are not evil. Not in any way. They're more like wild animals... who happen to be roughly the size of skyscrapers. We'd rather keep you AND them safe. That said, a woman that was just brought here, a half-monster called Mileena, somehow sensed the presence of the kaiju on arrival and stole a ship to get there.

We're sending a retrieval team to get her, but clearly this is gonna make keeping the place a secret any longer pretty much as likely as Joss Whedon ever having a career again.

For now, we're still keeping the coordinates private, for YOUR safety. But I assure you, as Queen of Monstropolis (and by proxy, of Monster Island), once this is over, Queen Emily and myself will sit down with whoever we need to, to devise a method of allowing you all to satisfy your curiosity while also keep you safe.

Bea out, bitches.

A'ight, peeps. Here's all the info I could get for you at the moment. There's a shit ton of creatures on that landmass and the surrounding ocean. But obviously, the ones to be extremely careful of are the BIG-ASS BUILDING-SIZED MOTHERFUCKERS.

So, here's a list of the ones we've had placed there, along with any pertinent info that could help. 
Read more... )

Apr. 3rd, 2021



I flarkin' did it!!!

I've been trying to crack how to get into a hydro engine for an Atlantean transport ship without having to completely separate the engine from the hull (thus breaking the seal) for two d'ast months now, and I finally did it.

Sometimes I wish I could give my brain a big flarkin' kiss.

Mar. 28th, 2021



How are we all today, my lovelies?

I tend to get very random when I'm bored, so... tell me a few random things about yourself that most people don't know! And I do mean random. Anything from your favorite song, to your first crush, to a food you couldn't be forced to eat as a kid.

Here's a few from me, to start us off.

- My all-time favorite song is "Life On Mars?" by David Bowie
- I tried my hand at modeling as a child, but hated it. Yet, now I love doing photoshoots.
- I realized I was bisexual at thirteen years old, yet have never been in a serious relationship with either gender.
- Get me near a freshly grilled cheeseburger and I'll remind you of a dinosaur tearing into it's prey.
- I'm double-jointed.

Mar. 9th, 2021



Hi again, Galador

Bode here. You might remember me as the guy who serves you candy at The Capitol Theatre in Sunnydale, but as of this afternoon I'll also be working as Peer Support over at Open Arms. 'What does that mean?' you ask. If you need someone to talk to, but don't know where to start? Then I'm your guy. I'm there to lend an ear and hopefully help get you to where you need to be. I'm not going to be what's the word? on-site all the time, but please feel free to DM me day or night. I'm here for you.

Private Messages )

Feb. 1st, 2021



Now that we're safe...

How freakin' cool was that?!

Jan. 25th, 2021



Um, guys?

Are we really not panicking right now? The motherfucking Imperial Fleet is here.

You know what? I don't care who's up there. Sidious, Tarkin, Krennic... bring it the fuck on.

This bitch grew up idolizing Princess Leia. Those wannabe Nazi fucks ain't about to scare me.

Dec. 17th, 2020



... I've never seen snow before.

Nov. 18th, 2020



I've been here about eight months now, but I haven't made any friends. This is largely due to the fact that I had just recently came into my powers and was afraid to hurt someone if I hung out with them. I'm not anymore, though. I've been working closely with the people that are called mutants here and now I'm confident that I can just go out there and do what girls my age tend to do.

So is anything going on this weekend?

Oct. 28th, 2020


