May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'teddy+lupin+%28cuddlybear%29'

Jul. 5th, 2021



I've been living on my own for just shy a year now and I'm still not use to how quiet it can get here.

Apr. 2nd, 2021



I can not believe that Declan will be three next month. I had been so busy preparing for his sibling to get here that I hadn't planned a party. I felt so terrible and so I went to Oahu this week when I had a day off from the clothing store and I booked a room at the rec center. I have a very small room, but please, if you have children I am inviting you to come and help my son Declan celebrate on April 24th. I wanted to make sure we celebrated before the baby comes.

Jan. 10th, 2021



I swear to god, let this be real and not some fucked up side effect and I promise I will never touch drugs again...

Dad? This phone they gave me at the Welcome Center says you're here?

To anyone else who can see this... I'm Becky Briggs. I'm really freaking the fuck out right now, but I'm trying to hold it together until I figure out if this is really happening...

Nov. 10th, 2020



Anyone else still having 'what if' feelings since the purge? I don't know how else to describe it. I'm done mourning. I miss Noah, but I'm not gonna spend my life grieving, either. But I still find myself wondering what if.

Would I have made a good wife? A good mother?
Would I have retired early? Focused on family?

I keep wondering those things and it frustrates me.

Private to Whitney Dean-Ramirez
Hey, hon. Just checking on you. How's everything? You've gotta be so proud of Neveah.

Oct. 13th, 2020



Having another one of those mopey nights. I've been playing with Remy and trying not to think about the bad stuff, but sometimes it just sneaks on in there anyway. Ugh.

So keep me preoccupied! Ask me anything, and I'll answer.

Oct. 9th, 2020



Happy birthday to me!!

Sep. 27th, 2020



Well, I guess after being here for a week, I am getting used to everything. I landed myself a job at my alma mater, Hogwarts. It's always been home to me and my family, so that makes total sense. I will be teaching Divination. Those of you who go to Hogwarts, feel free to say hi! Or come by my office anytime. I have the hours posted on the door.

I haven't seen my own parents yet, but I have come across some family, and a doppleganger I guess you can say. Who would have thought. My birthday is also coming up. What's fun around here that a single girl like me can do to celebrate?



I feel like I want to go out and enjoy myself, but I also feel like that's a disaster waiting to happen.


Sep. 16th, 2020



The spectacular disaster that is my love life continues it's epicness. Victoire was sent home.

Dominique Weasley
Sweetheart? Are you ok? Wanna come over and just.. be there for each other?

Aug. 31st, 2020



Apparently the second Teddy Lupin to set foot here on Galador. I never thought I'd meet mysef. I did see that Victoire was on the list. Are you here? Are you the one I know?