May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'molly+duncan+%28like_a_rose%29'

Feb. 21st, 2021



Ever think back and wanna kick yourself for being too scared to tell someone how you really felt about them? It's kind of a crappy feeling, not gonna lie.

I miss you, Blinkie

Dec. 21st, 2020



Let's see...

No school. No crimes (unless you count that cute boy who is too dumb to filter things).

Who wants to do something? Thorn?

Dec. 15th, 2020



Okay okay okay...Paris is not bad. I am loving the snow especially when the Eiffel Tower is lit up with the snow's so romantic. I can't wait until Christmas.

Nov. 22nd, 2020




Lauren! Tatum! HAAAAAALP.

Nov. 21st, 2020



Wanting to be a superhero doesn't feel the same here. I wanted so desperately to be the next Batgirl where I was from because I felt like Gotham needed my help. I have the powers and abilities to handle the job, but I had absolutely no training, and I was going off of my ego.

No more. I would like to start doing this legitimately. I know that this place isn't short on heroes, but it's still all that I want in life.

Oct. 20th, 2020



You know you need better priorities when your friends are all going on about Universal Idol, and you're more excited about the new spicy nachos they got at The End Zone.

Oct. 7th, 2020



Where my girls at? I need to go shopping for a Halloween costume!

Sep. 6th, 2020



So I decided to fill out the stuff to get on that dating app they have here. I know it doesn't get used much, but what the hell, right?

So, I almost chose this as my primary photo for it:

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But then I realized that, really? That doesn't give a good idea of who I am. I wanted something that describes me entirely in one simple photo. So? I decided to go with this.

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There's something to be said for honesty, right?

Aug. 10th, 2020



I'm so frazzled right now... the Welcome Center explained everything, but.. it's so much to process. More than anything... I can't believe it's peaceful here. Safe.

Guess I should introduce myself. I'm Molly Duncan. Most people call me Thorn.