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Posts Tagged: 'lila+rose+brewer+%28thewitchlighter%29'

Jul. 4th, 2021



Well, we haven't been parents for very long but this little guy has certainly won my heart. I love the family that David and I have created together. And Stacy has certainly been a great big sister. I am just so happy to be celebrating the 4th of July with my family. Great food, and just a great atmosphere. We even dressed up the little guy for the occasion.

Little guy is ready for his 1st 4th of July )

Jun. 1st, 2021



OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!! It is happening, it is REALLY HAPPENING!!! David and I will be parents here soon, Kat is in labor. Okay, have to calm down, everything is ready to go. So guess I should head to the hospital.

Can you see if you can go over to one of your friend's house? I would hate for you to be bored at the hospital.



Well, I had to orb myself to the hospital started to have contractions that were very painful...looks like I will be having a baby sometime today or tonight....and let me tell you...OUCH!!

Apr. 26th, 2021



As I am narrowing down to the last two months of this pregnancy, I am having the weirdest cravings and I'm having to go to the bathroom constantly. This baby is certainly kicking my bladder to oblivion. But, I think this baby is going to be super smart. I always put classical music with headphones on my belly and okay, mixed with a little rock and roll, hey, this baby is going to appreciate good music.

So I spoke with Patrick already about the possibility.....since I am a witch with powers. Are you going to be okay if this baby develops powers? I mean I don't want you to be afraid if something happens and if something does happen I can do some teaching, but I just wanted to make you aware of it.

Apr. 12th, 2021



It is almost summertime and I am going to ask Jean Grey about possibly working summer school. All you other teachers at the school, how many of you are planning to work this summer?

Apr. 6th, 2021



I can't believe that David and I are about to welcome a newborn baby here pretty soon. I have been working on the nursery and getting it ready. Plus helping out with Kat as much as possible.

Mar. 31st, 2021



My first single has been out almost 3 months now! I hope everyone is still enjoying it, because single #2 will be available this spring, as in before summer. But it will be Gone, Gone, Gone quickly, so keep your eyes peeled and get it when it comes out.

Feb. 10th, 2021



Well, this place certainly is different. I am working as a math teacher at the Jean Grey School! I know some of the guys back home would have a field day with that place!

Also, I am working as a senior member/nanny of The Baby-Sitters Club here! I should have known that no matter how old Kristy is she will find a way to run a business. Got to love that girl.

Feb. 7th, 2021



Filtered Away from David

David is going to be so surprised at what I have planned for us for Valentines Day. In the next few months, we are going to be parents. I want to spoil him in so many ways. But, I'm going to need some help.



I am a little over 5 months pregnant now and my belly is seems to be growing. I have the best support system ever. David and Patrick are rockstars at helping, my sister Tamora is just about the coolest sister ever, and of course to the best guy ever Tom. Lord knows that when my cravings begin and I always make him go get food for me. I can honestly say that pickles and ice cream are the best and so is chocolate sauce on french fries.

So Valentines Day is coming up, can I just say that I'm glad that my morning sickness has been over. And I'm sorry for my high libido, didn't know pregnancy could make a person want to have sex so often. But anyway, how should we celebrate Valentines Day? Should we stay in or go out?

Feb. 6th, 2021



Happy Birthday, Lila! I love you, and I hope you had a good day!

Jan. 5th, 2021



Well, it's here, my first original single. I produced it myself in the studio since I still do not have an agent. It would probably be easier to do with an agent but alas I am it. A one-man band/manager/agent/producer in one. Without further ado I bring you:

I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you all think.

Dec. 24th, 2020



TSS FTW! It feels weird saying that instead of BSC. Three very different letters but an amazing group of girls all the same. Merry Christmas Eve everyone!

Look how gorgeous my best friend looks in the snow. And look who made a gingerbread house for all her friends.

Dec. 22nd, 2020



Want to come with me to Queen Barb's party on Thursday?

Dec. 9th, 2020



Thanksgiving has gone and past and now it's close to Christmas. Think it's too early to start the nursery? I really wouldn't mind doing that.....also I am so very grateful everyday for Kat, she is doing us a tremendous favor, bringing a child into the world for me and David, pretty much owe her big time for this...

Nov. 16th, 2020



Well, I am starting to keep some food down at least. I am nearing towards the end of the first trimester. I am hoping that this means that I'm not going to look so gloomy and god awful anymore and that I will no longer be praying to the porcelain gods every few hours. Which also means a 12 week doctor's appointment and ultrasound. But, if the doctor is practically going to probe me right there to look at the baby, at least he could take me to dinner first….KIDDING!!! I'm only kidding, I am looking forward to seeing how this little nugget is growing.

Nov. 12th, 2020



I've run out of old Seattle Supersonics games to watch. If I were so determined, I could go find a universe where I could see them play in person. Then again, travelling from universe to universe in search of a basketball team when I could use that time to learn about other cultures, races, and species seems extremely vain and somewhat fruitless.

Oct. 17th, 2020



Okay so this morning sickness can suck it!! I am so tired of not being able to keep anything down except ginger ale and some saltine crackers. When will this ever end?!?!?

Oct. 12th, 2020



What a rush. I have missed the stage. I hope you all enjoyed week 1! And I hope you all voted for me to come back and show you more!

Sep. 24th, 2020



Pink, anyone?

Sep. 22nd, 2020



When they say that it's just morning sickness…..they are totally lying. They just need to call it all day sickness. I will be spending my day in the bathroom….