May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'josh+gibbler+%28itsagibbler%29'

Apr. 18th, 2021



The gem took my girl away. Anyone else in the same boat? Because it sucks, really sucks.

Feb. 10th, 2021



I was wondering, will you go out with me on Valentine's Day?

Jan. 8th, 2021



It's been over a year since the last time I did my cupid thing. I thought it would be nice this month because Valentine's day is next month. I know a few of the couples I set up are still together today and I'm so happy about that.

Just like the last times I've done it please put your name, age, and preference. Don't want to set someone up with someone they won't be attracted to. Just as an example:

Parker Halliwell

Sign up will last until Monday 01/11/2020 and the date will be on Saturday 01/16/2020. You'll receive a text with who you're paired up with and what you two will be doing.

(( ooc - Please use character journal and post individually. There's two sections to make it easier to pair. [under 18 / 18 and over] Please keep the age header in the subject line. Please add player name in text box right under the character info. ))

Nov. 23rd, 2020



Tanner-Gibbler-Fuller House!

I know that we're doing Thanksgiving Dinner at the house. Do we have a time for when we're doing it?

Nov. 10th, 2020



You know...

For someone who had been told that they wouldn't be able to conceive, and definitely still hasn't gotten pregnant... I have a LOT of kids.

Oct. 21st, 2020



So, what's everyone doing for Halloween?

Sep. 28th, 2020



Mom, Dad, someone wants to come to get me? I can't leave the Welcome Center without a parent or guardian and I know you two are on the list.

[does the Gibbler Gallop inside the welcome center while waiting for someone to pick him up]