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Posts Tagged: 'jeremy+lewis+%28wrathchild%29'

Dec. 24th, 2020



Keep Calm and Carry on

Who: Introducing Prue Martel (and her NPC children, Eric Jr. and Eleanor)
Where: Mar-Vell Park
When: Wednesday, December 23rd - Late
What: Eric's family arrives
Rating: Likely low; will update if need be
Status: Open; Ongoing      

Prue had just received the call that people who were married to police officers dreaded. Her husband had been shot. An ambulance had been arranged, they were looking for him... they were looking for him? She collected her children and was almost in the car when they were engulfed by a blinding white light and transported to Galador. They'd been in the drive-way, still in their pyjamas and suddenly they were in a lush green park in the dead of night. Eleanor started to cry loudly in her arms. She bounced her in an effort to calm her. "It's okay, Nellie. I know, it was sooooo bright, wasn't it? Scared me too," she said softly, trying to stay calm as she assessed her new surroundings.

"Momma," Eric Jr. said, tugging on her pant leg to get her attention. "Momma, where are we?"

"I don't know, E.J," Prue replied. Once Eleanor had calmed enough she set her on her feet, then Prue took a long stabilizing breath and set a hand on her heavily pregnant belly. Remember that poster that you like, she thought. Keep Calm and Carry on. "Hey look," she pointed, "that sign. It says 'Welcome'. That seems like as good a place as any to find out."

Aug. 4th, 2020



I can't believe I'm already starting to fit into my pre-pregnancy sized jeans.


I think it might be time for me to look for a new place for me and Owen.

Jun. 23rd, 2020



Evening, darlins!

I see so many people on here talkin' about music, and it got me thinkin': we all love music, but what's your all-time favorite album? The one you could listen to on repeat and never get tired of? The one that makes you feel alive, creative, and emotional all at once?

Let's see those album covers, people! Here's mine - no thinking required for this one.

May. 11th, 2020



Holy shit. Any of my friends reading this? Hit me up. I really need... literally ANYONE to talk to right now.

Text to Iris Lewis
IRIS. Whatever you're doing, drop it and get back to me ASAP. I'm freaking the fuck out right now and we NEED to talk.

Mar. 27th, 2020



After releasing my album digitally and as limited edition CD, today finally sees widespread physical release, on CD and vinyl. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart to everyone who made this possible for me.


Dec. 9th, 2019



I'm speechless right now. Just got a call from Ben, letting me know that my album is averaging Top Ten in sales in each of the worlds it was released in. I'm utterly humbled. I love you all.

Nov. 11th, 2019



One week until my album's official release, and only a few days until the album release party at Ryze on Friday. This is still so damn surreal, but I'm sure as hell enjoying the ride. I just wish my best friend were here to see it. Delilah would be so goddamn happy.

Oct. 20th, 2019



Hey everyone. So... please bear with me if I gush a little here.

I've been working in overdrive with the Full Moon production crew, getting my debut album ready. Between the work we've been doing and the technology available here, the album, titled "Set It Free", will officially be available on Tuesday, November 19th. I'm proud to share with you all right now, the album cover and the first single, "Lay It On Me"

Oct. 3rd, 2019



Alright folks... I have big news for my friends, family, and all the people who voted for me:

In November, my self-titled debut album will be released.

I'll be debuting the first single very soon, and I hope you'll all like it as much as I do.

Aug. 30th, 2019



Universal Idol - Week 7 - Eliminations and Finale!

The show opens with a little more fanfair than usual. This is the finale, after all. The culmination of seven weeks of blood, sweat, tears, and in some cases...alcohol. A host outside of the Idol Arena interviews fans as they wait to get inside. Who is your favorite? Any predictions for what to expect tonight? The live fan interviews are intercut with home-video clips. Recordings made by fans from across the universe who have fallen in love with the show and its performers. This show really has succeeded in becoming a Universal phenomenon.

The camera cuts to an interior shot of the arena. Fans of all shapes and sizes are packed into their seats, cheering and waving their hands. It swings around to the stage and closes in on Skylar James-Bale, wife of producer Benjamin Bale, who has stepped in to be the face of the competition since “The Incident” during week five.

Skylar smiled at the audience before looking toward the camera. "Thank you everyone for coming tonight, and thank you to those that are tuning in at home. I think we were all surprised at just how much of a positive reaction we got when we debuted. I think everyone was craving having something of their own here in Galador, and this, Universal Idol, has really become something that everyone, both native citizens and transplants, can gather together to watch and cheer for their favorites, and we are so happy to have had the chance to bring that to you."

"Anyway, as a reminder, the prize for winning is a guaranteed recording contract with Full Moon Entertainment, and the winner will be promoted throughout (currently) 5 planets. Hopefully, next round, we'll be able to promote even to even more planets."

"We hope that you enjoy the show that we've prepared, and, anyway, on with the show!" She held her hand up and waved at the audience, blowing a kiss to them before heading off stage.

On with the show! )

Aug. 26th, 2019



That... was the rush of a lifetime.

Not only being in the finals of Universal Idol, but also getting to emulate my favorite performer, and in front of my wife and kid.

Thank you again, ALL of you, for the amazing support you've shown me. Hope I didn't disappoint any of you.

Aug. 20th, 2019



The finals. Holy shit.

I'm speechless right now.

Thank you. Everyone. Again.

Private to Iris
Hey babe... feel like getting all dolled up tonight? Queen Shiklah wants us to come to a party tonight at her palace.

Aug. 18th, 2019



This is all... so humbling.

When I tried out for Idol... honestly, I didn't even expect to make it ON. I just felt listless, I had no job to speak of yet, and I figured it was as good a chance as any to see if I still had the same spark I had when I was a teenager.

So... as I sit here about to go out on stage for the semi-finals, it's all a little overwhelming. In a good way, though. I've heard this place described, by some, as a reward. And I can't help but feel that's true. I have my beautiful wife, an amazing daughter I didn't even know existed, and I'm getting to live, even if just for a few weeks, the life I dreamed about as a boy.

I'm rambling a bit now, so I'll just say to everyone who's voted for me, or even rooted for me... thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Know that even if I'm eliminated this week, you've already made my dream come true.

I love you all.

Jul. 21st, 2019



Wow. Honestly, I was shocked just to make it onto Idol. But to see the support everyone's having for me? It's mind-blowing. Of all the things I've seen since coming here, that is the thing I find most hard to believe.

Jun. 26th, 2019



I think my favorite thing about this place is watching Iris' reactions to everything.

May. 16th, 2019



OK, so the Welcome Center is lovely and all, but am I dead again? Because this is weird, even for MY life.

May. 14th, 2019



I feel like a total ass. Here I am, in the middle of the coolest and weirdest event possibly in history... and I'm so bored I could rip my hair out.

Apr. 8th, 2019



This is the craziest shit I've ever even heard of. Don't get me wrong, the folks at the Welcome Center were great, but this is still some pretty weird shit to process...