May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'ellie+phimister+%28negasonicteen%29'

May. 4th, 2021



What's that you say?

Someone finessed her way into a business deal to have her own skate shop/skate park in Commerceport and work closely with Madhouse Music?

HMMMM. Now who could that be?

If you said "CASSIE ALLEN!" then you my friend are correct!

Apr. 12th, 2021




In need of some sort of distraction because Babs told me I'm not allowed to go see the monsters.

Mar. 9th, 2021




I need to know how many people are planning on staying here for Spring Break. As usual, we will have activities during the week and movies at night. We'll be offering an art class, game design, and photography during the week.

It's never too early to make your plans for the summer. I need to know how many people are planning on staying on campus. Then are you planning to take the special summer classes?

Grades are looking good, I'm proud of all of you. If you have any classes you'd like to take this summer, please list them below so I may have enough time to find a teacher.

College students, are you going to stay on campus or go home? Same thing about taking special summer classes.

All of you, please respond below.

Feb. 1st, 2021



Yeah, so this just sucks. The guy I am in love with and was trying to find out if he felt the same way about me... is gone.

This is not a good day.

Nov. 10th, 2020



Brandon, how do you feel about early spring?

Everyone else, venue options?

Oct. 19th, 2020



Hope everyone enjoyed my performance last night. Figured I'd be a little experimental without breaking from the sound I feel comfortable in.

Sep. 7th, 2020



Teachers and Students and Other Mutants

Happy Labor Day everyone. I hope you are enjoying your long weekend.

We're having a BBQ tonight for each of you and showing some movies. We're showing both versions of Mulan. Come to the Quad at five.

This is for both campuses.

Aug. 6th, 2020



Jean Grey, are you sure you want me to teach a class?

Jul. 4th, 2020



So, who's coming over for my annual fireworks display?

This year, we're gonna use a Skrull multi-missle launcher that I cobbled together and REALLY knock this outta the park.

Wanna make this one super special, so who's with me?

May. 22nd, 2020



In honor of World Goth Day, here's a picture of me in all my goth witchy goodness. I love that black is the official color at my school. It really speaks to my soul.


Is it lame that I want to go see the parade?

Apr. 27th, 2020



Ok, so I guess I lied.

I know I said it would be a while before I did anything musical... but this was just a spur-of-the-moment thing! I swear! The other night I was checking out the building that The Sugar Shack and BookHaven are about to be in, and while I was talking to Lucy and Amber, I saw the piano Amber has in the corner of BookHaven... one thing led to another, and I was sitting there playing one of my favorite songs I wrote back home with Lucy and Chloe backing me up.

Amber recorded it, so... I thought I'd let you guys hear it. This goes out to my beautiful Victoire and my baby boy Remy.


Mar. 20th, 2020



Students. Teachers, Mutants

The Saint Patrick's day festivities went off without a hitch. Thank you to those of you who helped pull off the rainbows and pots of gold.

I'm glad I don't have to eat Green food everyday.

Thanks to the teachers and students who made this a success.

I'm still working on a summer schedule. If anyone has ideas for classes please let me know.

Feb. 4th, 2020



Well, I just saw something in my parents bedroom that I never wanted to see. I can’t unsee what my mom plans on doing with it. Ew, next time I’ll just put the laundry basket near the door.

Hey how are you? Got any plans for next Friday?

Jan. 4th, 2020



2020 has only started and it’s pretty great. London is amazing. My job is amazing and even better is my health. Brand new year and I feel like it’s going to be the best. Plus having the a wonderful girlfriend helps too.

Dec. 7th, 2019



All Students

For those of you taking exams, good luck. I know you've studied hard. I'm proud of all of you.

This Saturday we are taking buses to Arendelle for those of you who want a tree may get one. There are all kinds of activities for you to partake.

Our Christmas dance is December 21. Each campus will have their own dance so that it is age appropriate.

We are going to be showing Christmas movies every night from the 22 until the 25. On the 23 we will be visiting the children's ward at our hospitals. We have tons of activities for the holidays. If anyone would like to suggest a movie to show or an activity you'd like to do during this two week break please respond to this message. For a list of everything please consult the web page.

As per usual it is your choice to attend.

If you are going home, but still would like to attend any activity that is fine. Remember to check lower school or University on the web page.

If you want to participate in secret Santa, please see my secretary, Ginni. She is handling all of that.

Dec. 2nd, 2019



So, I got to go onboard the honest-to-god Millennium Falcon today.

There's a slight chance I might've squealed loud enough to terrify dogs everywhere.

Nov. 25th, 2019



I think this year I'm going to buy maternity pants and instead of calling them maternity pants, I'm going to call them maturkey pants, with the amount of food that I'm going to eat, they will definitely come in handy.

Oct. 1st, 2019



Ugh after all these assignments I have that are due by next week, I'm gonna need a fun weekend next weekend. This weekend is dedicated to homework and snack breaks...

Sep. 6th, 2019



So I've been told that I'm doing well enough to start making friends. My name is Beth, and I realize that I came in here, not exactly making the best impression. So I'd like to start out new.

One thing about me is that I'm super into horror movies. I just got so obsessed that I wanted to try it. Not the best of decisions.

Aug. 10th, 2019



New School Year

All students grades 1-12.
Just a reminder: our first day of school will be held at the Galador zoo. Remember to check with your English teacher for your Rubrics. Please be there by nine.

Grades 9-12
The all school dance is Saturday, September 21. The dance will be held at Hogwarts. The dance starts at six.

University students
Report to the new University campus in Freedomtown. [Gives address]
You'll spend your first day enrolling in your classes. There will be a mixer at the Quad at five. Dinner will be served there as well.

We hope you have a great school year.

If you need anything please feel free to contact me or Charles Xavier.

Aug. 1st, 2019



To all the principals, headmasters, etc. of all the high schools on Galador. Merlin, may we still have the joint dance at Hogwarts? I've scheduled the dance the third Saturday after school starts. The two themes are school has come up with are United and Starry, Starry Night.

To all students
I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome all the new students and transfers. Don't ever hesitate to call on me or Charles Xavier if you need anything. We will have a dance with the other schools once school starts. It's about three weeks after the beginning of school. Returning Students, please welcome our new students.

The two themes from our school, for the dance, are United and Starry, Starry night. Please vote on your choice below.

When you have a chance I need to talk to you. I have an idea to run by you and other questions.

Jul. 30th, 2019



Students of the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning

School will be starting soon, so just a few heads up.

Login to the school website. There you'll find everything you need.

Please review the question and answer section.

Find your name on the roster to locate your English teacher. They are running on summer hours. (Summer hours are listed on the website as it varies from teacher to teacher. Choose a time to come see them) Our first day of school will be off-site. We are going to the Galador Zoo. Your English teacher will have your ticket and the English rubric for the paper you will write about the Zoo.

Remember there are animals not common to your zoo's from home. There are many rare species at the zoo as well. We should all enjoy it.

Dinner will be at the zoo as well. The summer dance class will be the evening entertainment as well as the show band will perform. There was so much interest in the dance and photography classes that they will be offered during the school year. These will be semester classes.

University students - this year you will start on the [gives date] the same day as the high school and elementary. Psychology majors the head of psychology will have your rubric, English Majors the head of the English department will have your rubric. You'll also spend the day at the zoo. Each department head has tickets for that discipline. Please go by during their office hours to get yours.

To all students we have new teachers and new students, please greet them warmly! Let's make this the best year ever.

(The multiple school dance information is on the activities page of the web site. [lists a web link])

A rubric tells you exactly how you are graded on a paper.

Jul. 22nd, 2019



This whole Idol thing is sooooo fun! I used to just do karaoke, I never imagined ever doing something like this!

And even if the judges didn't like my last song, I had a blast mixing things together and trying something new. I get it though! Stick to one thing. Message received and if I go through to next week, I won't let you voters down!

I'm trying to decide if I'm confident enough in my guitar skills to take it on stage with me or just keep up with the pre-recorded tracks. Hmm.

May. 6th, 2019



Up Coming

The Jean Grey School for Higher Learning goes through college. We will need more professors. Feel free to contact myself or Charles Xavier if you are interested in attending or teaching.

To each head master, head mistress or principal:
We still need a date for the dance, then there is the theme. Each school is to come up with a theme, then we will put the themes up for vote. The theme for the dance will be determined by popular vote.

Thank you Merlin for hosting the dance at Hogwarts.

Students of the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning
We are planning a dance with the other schools in the area. Your job is to come up with a theme. Once all the themes are suggested, they will be put up for a popular vote by our students. The winning theme will go against the themes of the other schools. The theme receiving the most votes will be our suggestion for the dance theme. Each school is doing the same thing. All the themes will then be posted for you to vote on your favorite.

Have fun with this.

Apr. 15th, 2019



Ahhhh....finally I was able to release some tension. I hate being frustrated with things.

I had a great time. Definitely will have to do that again sometime. If you are up to it.

Mar. 7th, 2019



I can't find Chewie... so help me GOD, Rocket, if you touched one hair on his little head...

Feb. 4th, 2019



So I finished a project over the weekend that took me a few days to do. Now with whatever is going on I have to do it again. And is it Sunday again for anyone else? I kind of wish it was Saturday so I can actually finish my project again. I hate being a teenager sometimes.

Jan. 24th, 2019



Filtered to family, friends.... and even his ex-wife

You know, I feel like we're all pretty damn blessed to have each other. Yet we haven't had a big family get-together in forever.


So I propose we have a big-ass family dinner. Next week.

I'll cook, and everyone can have Wade's Spectacular Chimichangas and Enchiladas.

I'll rent a hall or something, and we'll have a great big party to celebrate being a huge, insane, dysfunctional family that somehow tolerates each other.

Jan. 7th, 2019



Where there is a whip there is a way

Oct. 4th, 2018



ARGH. Being single sucks. Everyone's just... nobody wants romance and sweetness anymore. It's all about sex and stuff and while that stuff is awesome, I hate that it's the main thing everyone seems to want.

Sep. 13th, 2018



text messages; Yukio

- I think we should talk.

Sep. 5th, 2018



Well, my training didn't go as well.

Sep. 4th, 2018



I think as much as I miss Barb... I miss having someone more. Is that weird? Like.. people always talk bad about being in relationships, but I don't think there's a better feeling in the world.

May. 27th, 2018



Is this Wade​s​ doing?