May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'dawn+dane+diaz+%28polarlights%29'

May. 5th, 2021



Now that it's spring and I've got a better hold on my ability, I can actually get out there and meet people. All of the pollen and smells of fresh flowers can help people to smell what is actually right there.

Apr. 19th, 2021



It feels like a Star Wars marathon night. Who's with me?

Mar. 9th, 2021




I need to know how many people are planning on staying here for Spring Break. As usual, we will have activities during the week and movies at night. We'll be offering an art class, game design, and photography during the week.

It's never too early to make your plans for the summer. I need to know how many people are planning on staying on campus. Then are you planning to take the special summer classes?

Grades are looking good, I'm proud of all of you. If you have any classes you'd like to take this summer, please list them below so I may have enough time to find a teacher.

College students, are you going to stay on campus or go home? Same thing about taking special summer classes.

All of you, please respond below.

Feb. 2nd, 2021



Sooooo, I was gonna make this a private message to the Bales, but I figured in case anyone wanted to chime in, I'd make it public.

Back home, I had a band called Beautiful Ghouls. We were on Full Moon Entertainment, and had just recently put our first album out.

Now, when I showed up here, my iPod was on me. And our album is one of the things on said iPod.

So, I dunno how things work here, like... do the Bales need me to hand it over to them to do whatever with? Or can I just upload it on here and let people download it if they want it?

Heck, would there even be any interest in it?

Jan. 25th, 2021



Am I allowed to say thank God that Valentines Day is on a Sunday so I don't have to deal with the school bullshit?

Nov. 11th, 2020



Does anyone want to do something with someone new this weekend? Namely, me.

Sep. 7th, 2020



Teachers and Students and Other Mutants

Happy Labor Day everyone. I hope you are enjoying your long weekend.

We're having a BBQ tonight for each of you and showing some movies. We're showing both versions of Mulan. Come to the Quad at five.

This is for both campuses.

Aug. 23rd, 2020



I am thinking I am going to go on a vacation, I could certainly use one. I have never been to Disneyland, like I said, I have just been busy. I am thinking about going there for a week next week. Anyone want to join me?

Jul. 10th, 2020



Huh. What a difference two years of growing up can do...

Jun. 6th, 2020



future kids, cousins, and those aged 15 - 21

Here's the announcement you've all been waiting for!!!

Lita's annual Rainbow Party is happening in two weeks on June 20th.

6pm to ???. BYOB. Drink responsibly! You can crash at my place if you need to.

EVERYONE is welcome! You don't want to miss out on the music styles of DJ Kat.

[address here].


I plan on signing you out or sneaking you out of the hospital that day :-*

May. 6th, 2020



It's a good thing I own an ungodly amount of crop tops, tube tops, and booty shorts.


Are you doing okay in this heat, babe?

Apr. 4th, 2020



I'm slowly getting used to the fact that I seem to be from my own version of well... I think this world is similar to ours, as well.

That being said! This place is awesome. Is there anything going on outside of the school right now? I want to get to know the planet better.

Mar. 9th, 2020



[[ooc: Some time after this Contains spoilers.]]

I gotta admit, this place is pretty cool so far. I think that I can finally breathe now.

I'm Sydney Novak, but you can call me Syd. I obviously just got here. I'll be staying with a friend of my father unless he happens to show up.

Spoiler: Filter to Jean and Charles. )

Feb. 19th, 2020



Save the Date:March 17, 2020/Sexual content with Merlin.

I would like to include the kids at the Group Home a part of our St. Patrick's Day activities.

May I ask a favor?

Students and Faculty of the Jean Grey School for higher learning and the Charles Xavier University;with a BCC copy to Lux:
I'm giving you enough warning, so everyone should be able to participate in our Saint Patrick's Day festivities on Tuesday, March 17.

Everyone should wear green. (There will me no pinching of people not wearing green. The tradition is to wear green from top of your head and your shoes. Almost everything edible in the cafeteria will be green. From green milkshakes to green pasta, even green eggs and ham, we've got it all.

After breakfast, we will go to the front of the Methodist Church to line up for the St. Patty's Day Parade.

After lunch, we tentatively have a pot-of-gold game.

Dinner then a movie. The younger students will watch The Gnome Mobile. There will be a variety of movies to chose from for the upper school and University students. I'd love a peak at what you choose as your costume or green clothing for the day.

Dress accordingly.

If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Feb. 3rd, 2020



I'm seriously bored today. Anybody feel like doing anything? I'm totally open to ideas.

Jan. 9th, 2020



Feeling kinda shitty tonight and my classes tomorrow doesn't start until early afternoon. Wouldn't mind some company and a distraction right now if anyone's up for it. I have snacks.

Dec. 7th, 2019



All Students

For those of you taking exams, good luck. I know you've studied hard. I'm proud of all of you.

This Saturday we are taking buses to Arendelle for those of you who want a tree may get one. There are all kinds of activities for you to partake.

Our Christmas dance is December 21. Each campus will have their own dance so that it is age appropriate.

We are going to be showing Christmas movies every night from the 22 until the 25. On the 23 we will be visiting the children's ward at our hospitals. We have tons of activities for the holidays. If anyone would like to suggest a movie to show or an activity you'd like to do during this two week break please respond to this message. For a list of everything please consult the web page.

As per usual it is your choice to attend.

If you are going home, but still would like to attend any activity that is fine. Remember to check lower school or University on the web page.

If you want to participate in secret Santa, please see my secretary, Ginni. She is handling all of that.

Dec. 6th, 2019



All I’m gonna say is that I’m glad my mom has me to take care of her. She’s doing way too much and now look, she fainted and now stuck in the hospital, she told me she hasn’t eaten hardly because she forgot because of rehearsals and baby me. When she gets out I’m gonna make sure that she eats, I will shove food down her throat if I have to. I will not have my mother faint again from complete exhaustion.

Nov. 25th, 2019



Thanksgiving is coming up and I don't even know how to cook, the people in our palace usually do all the cooking. I don't know what Eggsy and I are going to do. But, I am eternally thankful that he is here with me.

Oct. 3rd, 2019



Bliss War Journal - Entry 1

So, I’m thinking I got here like... a few months too late.

Everyone has their groups of friends already, everyone's already paired up... meaning it's ridonkulously hard to form close friendships AND to get a date.


Sep. 8th, 2019



So... back home, I was just exposed, but they're telling me that it doesn't matter here? That it's common to have your secret identity be not-so-secret? I guess that's cool.

Anyway, I'm Petra Parker. I've been looking through the list, and I'm seeing some familiar, yet slightly different names on this list. What's going on here?

Aug. 30th, 2019




And I thought I made a fool out of myself over my crush on Ben.

Aug. 12th, 2019



Hey everyone. So, since my sister and I just got here, I figure I may as well introduce myself.

I'm Hal Queen, son of Green Arrow and Black Canary, which I'm pretty sure makes being a bad motherfucker pretty much my birthright.

Aug. 10th, 2019



New School Year

All students grades 1-12.
Just a reminder: our first day of school will be held at the Galador zoo. Remember to check with your English teacher for your Rubrics. Please be there by nine.

Grades 9-12
The all school dance is Saturday, September 21. The dance will be held at Hogwarts. The dance starts at six.

University students
Report to the new University campus in Freedomtown. [Gives address]
You'll spend your first day enrolling in your classes. There will be a mixer at the Quad at five. Dinner will be served there as well.

We hope you have a great school year.

If you need anything please feel free to contact me or Charles Xavier.

Aug. 1st, 2019



To all the principals, headmasters, etc. of all the high schools on Galador. Merlin, may we still have the joint dance at Hogwarts? I've scheduled the dance the third Saturday after school starts. The two themes are school has come up with are United and Starry, Starry Night.

To all students
I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome all the new students and transfers. Don't ever hesitate to call on me or Charles Xavier if you need anything. We will have a dance with the other schools once school starts. It's about three weeks after the beginning of school. Returning Students, please welcome our new students.

The two themes from our school, for the dance, are United and Starry, Starry night. Please vote on your choice below.

When you have a chance I need to talk to you. I have an idea to run by you and other questions.

Jul. 30th, 2019



Students of the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning

School will be starting soon, so just a few heads up.

Login to the school website. There you'll find everything you need.

Please review the question and answer section.

Find your name on the roster to locate your English teacher. They are running on summer hours. (Summer hours are listed on the website as it varies from teacher to teacher. Choose a time to come see them) Our first day of school will be off-site. We are going to the Galador Zoo. Your English teacher will have your ticket and the English rubric for the paper you will write about the Zoo.

Remember there are animals not common to your zoo's from home. There are many rare species at the zoo as well. We should all enjoy it.

Dinner will be at the zoo as well. The summer dance class will be the evening entertainment as well as the show band will perform. There was so much interest in the dance and photography classes that they will be offered during the school year. These will be semester classes.

University students - this year you will start on the [gives date] the same day as the high school and elementary. Psychology majors the head of psychology will have your rubric, English Majors the head of the English department will have your rubric. You'll also spend the day at the zoo. Each department head has tickets for that discipline. Please go by during their office hours to get yours.

To all students we have new teachers and new students, please greet them warmly! Let's make this the best year ever.

(The multiple school dance information is on the activities page of the web site. [lists a web link])

A rubric tells you exactly how you are graded on a paper.

Jul. 4th, 2019



Students living on campus during summer break
We are having a BBQ and July 4 celebration for everyone.

May. 6th, 2019



Up Coming

The Jean Grey School for Higher Learning goes through college. We will need more professors. Feel free to contact myself or Charles Xavier if you are interested in attending or teaching.

To each head master, head mistress or principal:
We still need a date for the dance, then there is the theme. Each school is to come up with a theme, then we will put the themes up for vote. The theme for the dance will be determined by popular vote.

Thank you Merlin for hosting the dance at Hogwarts.

Students of the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning
We are planning a dance with the other schools in the area. Your job is to come up with a theme. Once all the themes are suggested, they will be put up for a popular vote by our students. The winning theme will go against the themes of the other schools. The theme receiving the most votes will be our suggestion for the dance theme. Each school is doing the same thing. All the themes will then be posted for you to vote on your favorite.

Have fun with this.

Apr. 17th, 2019



If there are any mutants who wish to attend school, please know you are welcome.

I have a few ideas. We should plan a trip to Freedom Town to visit the Galador Zoo. There are animals from all over the universe.

In addition, we should sponsor a Spring dance for all the high schools on Galador. I think this would be a great for us and the other schools.

Mar. 19th, 2019



Well, St. Patty's day on Sunday was really fun. I look really hot in green if I do say so myself. All decked out and going to parties of all sorts. Just wish I could have a couple days to recuperate...but know, I showed up at school like a good little girl.

Feb. 16th, 2019



Early day photoshoot with my badass Mama! Click the arrow! [Pretend there are streaks in Andra's hair and that the instagam says Pixie Princess please]

Jan. 8th, 2019


Just...just do it. Just post SOMETHING.
Hey, everyone.
I seem to have been holing up a bit, but I'm going to try to actually get out and do stuff again.
Oh, that was lame.

Dec. 11th, 2018



To all mutants, students or otherwise

The school looks pretty bare as far as Christmas decorations. Help me make the JG School for the gifted more festive. We'll have a bonfire after we finish for smores. Come join the fun. I want the school to look special for those students who do not go home for the holidays.

Nov. 13th, 2018



text post: esme frost

This is troubling.

Nov. 11th, 2018



I miss my Dad.

Nov. 7th, 2018



Wait, wait... no!

I can't leave home now. I almost got through to Andy.

Nov. 6th, 2018



filtered to women between 25 - 35

Any of you ladies looking for a guy? Because I need a distraction for my uncle John.

Nov. 5th, 2018



I hope that none of the people I know here take this too seriously. But, I think it’s time I find some new friends. I’m not one to play games with peoples hearts and right now I feel so used that I don’t think I can be friends with them anymore. So I’m focusing on me, spending time with my family and hopefully the right people will come along. And hopefully I won’t be continued to get hurt because I care too much. I deserve better and better is what I’m striving to get.

Nov. 2nd, 2018



Saturday. Girls night. If I consider you a friend, show up at my place. If you have to question if that's you or not, don't bother coming.



So I go from my brother choking me over a lie, to a talking dog, to getting sliced and diced.

I guess that I'm back now, though?

My name is Winter, and as long as I'm going to be here, I may as well get to know the ladies around here.