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Posts Tagged: 'claudia+donovan+%28warehousey%29'

Jul. 5th, 2021



THAT WAS SO AWESOME!!! Winger and I flew around with all those fireworks! I never seen anything like that!

Jun. 29th, 2021



Serious question here. Mostly to others like me that lost loved ones here, but honestly open to anyone.

Is it dumb to keep holding on to hope that the person you love might be brought back here? I mean, lots of people have vanished and then come back down the road. Why not our loved ones, right?

Cassie Lang
Hey, Kiddo. Feel like going to a fireworks display on Sunday with your old man?

Jun. 12th, 2021



Is anyone missing a winged teenager?

Apr. 16th, 2021



You know, I'm not the type to brag... but King Kong decided to bro-nod me rather than get these hands again.

Not gonna lie, I feel kinda bad-ass right now.

Apr. 13th, 2021



Danger, hm? Hah. Danger is my middle name.

Ok, actually it's Edward. But still.

Gonna head to Monster Island with the retrieval team. Just in case Kong needs knocked on his big monkey ass a second time.

Cassie? Casey? Izzie? I love you kids tons, ok?

Apr. 4th, 2021



Look what was left outside my bedroom! This is so cool!

Mar. 6th, 2021



Lotttttttta stuff on the ol' mind this fine evening.

First, is it a common thing to wake up one day and just kinda have five years of brand spankin'-new memories? Cos I'll tell ya - not the best way to start your morning.

Second, the love I have for this place is matched only by how desperately I wish the rest of the gang could see it. Laf especially would be in their glory with all this crazy tech. And Danny would have more people to help her stay on the straight-and-narrow. Ok, maybe not so much with the 'straight' part. But you know what I mean. I'm sure even Perry would love it. Once, you know, she got over the hysterical denial and flailing that would ensue.

Third? I love my Open Arms fam. Love love love LOVE them. Lito is already every bit the instant bestie Carm told me he'd be, and once I got past how easy it is to catch yourself staring at Billie, she insta-morphed into the coolest employee/friend/sister-type ever.

Fourth, I'm happy to say that despite the name, Monstropolis does not house (nor has anyone there heard of) a giant anglerfish god. WHEW.

There was a lot more, but I'm finding it hard to remember it all when there's a sexy brunette sitting by me making suggestive comments.

Jan. 22nd, 2021



I think it's time I start getting my life back together. Just because I'm grieving doesn't mean I can't do something with my life.

Cassie Lang
Hey, kiddo. You and Peter are still doing the Omegas thing, right?

Whitney Dean-Ramirez
Whitters! You busy? I was thinking you might want another go with The Suit...

Jan. 7th, 2021



text messages; Scott Lang
» I had a good time.
» Was wondering if you'd like to upgrade to dinner?

Dec. 6th, 2020



Hi, everyone.

Figured it was time I bit the bullet and tried to talk to people on here.

For those I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet, I'm Norma. I run the Double R Diner in Twin Peaks.

Guess I don't really know what to say here. Feel free to come by the Double R anytime (we're open from 7am to 10pm every day, and will be switching to 24/7 once I can hire enough personnel) for some coffee and conversation.

Nov. 10th, 2020



Anyone else still having 'what if' feelings since the purge? I don't know how else to describe it. I'm done mourning. I miss Noah, but I'm not gonna spend my life grieving, either. But I still find myself wondering what if.

Would I have made a good wife? A good mother?
Would I have retired early? Focused on family?

I keep wondering those things and it frustrates me.

Private to Whitney Dean-Ramirez
Hey, hon. Just checking on you. How's everything? You've gotta be so proud of Neveah.

Nov. 2nd, 2020



I think Max is right: it's time to stop sulking and get on with life.

I miss Noah, and I'll always love him.. but I'd be foolish to waste my life mourning what could have been.

Look out, world: Carly McDonald is ready to live her life again!

....ok, granted, it just means I'll be in the coffee shop more often, and not sulking when I'm at work and home. But it's a start, ok?

Oct. 3rd, 2020



Had a great time with Stacy last week. Felt good to just go out, chat with someone, and have a good laugh.

So how're we all doing tonight, Galador? Hit me with some random topics or questions. I'm in a good mood.