May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'chloe+van+warren-barnes+%28chloevanwarren%29'

Jun. 23rd, 2021



Hi, everyone! Just wanted to give a little update on my musical plans here.

While sticking with the movie motif, I've decided that rather than Suspiria, the final name I'm going with for the band is Lost Highway.

I've chosen my bass player, who will be Adam Torres, and my keyboardist, who will be Amy Van Warren.

I'm still searching for a permanent drummer though! So if you play, and want to audition for me, let me know!

Ariana Valencia

Ari!!! I had an idea. When Lost Highway plays it's first show here, would you like to sing with me on one of our songs? Might expose you to more fans!

I was thinking one of these two. Let me know what you think?

Jun. 1st, 2021



Happy Pride, everyone!!! Nothing like celebrating with the release of our new album!

Mar. 9th, 2021



Alright, folks... time for what was originally going to be a weekly thing, but is being changed to monthly because I have the attention span of a crack baby.


This month, we're gonna put the focus on someone who's truly shown the growth and change most people only wish they had the strength to accomplish. Kayla Barnes started her journey as a slayer by being full of unmanaged rage, and had a chip on her shoulder the size of Galador.

She caused some damage, had a scrape or two that shouldn't have happened, and broke a few hearts... but over time, she grew to be many things I wouldn't have expected from her when we met: sweet, nurturing, kind, mature, and someone anyone could feel comfortable looking up to. She went from one of the "black sheeps" of the slayers, to being a talent show host that was looked at in a motherly way by most of the contestants. From someone who people were afraid to get close to, to a loyal friend, a loving wife, and most importantly here, one hell of a slayer.

Love you, KayKay. If Gabe could see you now, he'd be proud as fuck.

Feb. 16th, 2021



So, after a bit of a being a grumpy-gus on alentine's Day (spelled as such because sadly, I did not get the V on that day), I'm bouncing back as usual and looking at the bright side.

Which in this case, is that I have a brand new world full of new people to meet and places to see.

So please, let's get to know each other! Come one come all!

Sep. 27th, 2020



I feel like I want to go out and enjoy myself, but I also feel like that's a disaster waiting to happen.


Jun. 16th, 2020



Private to Chloe Van Warren

CHLOE. Shit. I know you got the Grand Opening tomorrow and everything, but you got a few? I'm spazzing out a little and as the sister closest to my age, it falls on you to be my advice-giver.

Jun. 11th, 2020



I know this is something that's not exactly going to come as a surprise to many people (God knows I think my family's suspected it since I was 13), but... it's still a big step for me, so be kind.

We're in a new world, with new beginnings, and it's Pride Month.... so I'm going to finally admit it to myself and everyone else.

I'm bisexual, and I'm not going to hide from myself any more.

Happy Pride, everyone. Let's all love and accept ourselves and each other.

May. 29th, 2020



Can't sleep, but feeling too creative and energetic to just sit here. Anyone still awake?

Chloe Van Warren
Hey, Chlo. You awake?

May. 28th, 2020



Tori Crowe
Sweetie? I know you're with Kat right now, and I'm sorry to bother you, but.... god I can barely TYPE this, but... Mom's gone. The gem or whatever... it's like she was never here.

Victoire Weasley, Neely Bale, Lita Todd, Lucy Van Warren, Chloe Van Warren
My mom was sent home. I'm somewhere in the middle of feeling numb and being a complete mess right now.

Apr. 23rd, 2020



I am so excited!

Work on the building that's soon to be The Sugar Shack and BookHaven is almost done!

Having a book store of my own to run has always been a dream of mine, and I'm thrilled that I can do it here!


Mar. 23rd, 2020



Alrighty then, So, lemme get this straight.

Superheroes are real. Star Wars and all the stuff Rachelle used to geek out over are real,. And to top it all off, we're on another planet.

I'm pretty easygoing, but even I'M gonna take a while to accept all this.

The girl at the Welcome Center said my sisters are here... Lucy? Chloe? Can either of you see this?

I'm Kevin Van Warren. And I'm kinda hoping my wife's here too. Please dear lord, tell me Buffy Van Warren/Summers (whichever she's using) is here?

Oct. 27th, 2019



Hey babe,

Whatda ya reckon? Is prison chic still in this year, or should I go for something a little more risqué?

Read more... )

Oct. 14th, 2019



Charlotte keeps telling me I need to branch out more. So... here we go. Branching out.

Anyone have any good book recommendations? Or maybe have interest in a book club or something?

Van Warren Sisters
Chloe? Lucy? Hi. I'm not sure if you remember me. I'm Amber. I was wondering if you were going to open The Sugar Shack here, because... if so? I have an idea to make the business bigger and give me something I've always wanted at the same time.

Sep. 24th, 2019



Private Messages

Babe. Babe. Babe. You better be playing the AFL grand final this weekend.

Also--And I'm not above begging.

Can I please please please have the afternoon off to watch it?

Will you watch the footy with me?

[Ben Bale]

You fucked up, eh?

Aug. 30th, 2019



Universal Idol - Week 7 - Eliminations and Finale!

The show opens with a little more fanfair than usual. This is the finale, after all. The culmination of seven weeks of blood, sweat, tears, and in some cases...alcohol. A host outside of the Idol Arena interviews fans as they wait to get inside. Who is your favorite? Any predictions for what to expect tonight? The live fan interviews are intercut with home-video clips. Recordings made by fans from across the universe who have fallen in love with the show and its performers. This show really has succeeded in becoming a Universal phenomenon.

The camera cuts to an interior shot of the arena. Fans of all shapes and sizes are packed into their seats, cheering and waving their hands. It swings around to the stage and closes in on Skylar James-Bale, wife of producer Benjamin Bale, who has stepped in to be the face of the competition since “The Incident” during week five.

Skylar smiled at the audience before looking toward the camera. "Thank you everyone for coming tonight, and thank you to those that are tuning in at home. I think we were all surprised at just how much of a positive reaction we got when we debuted. I think everyone was craving having something of their own here in Galador, and this, Universal Idol, has really become something that everyone, both native citizens and transplants, can gather together to watch and cheer for their favorites, and we are so happy to have had the chance to bring that to you."

"Anyway, as a reminder, the prize for winning is a guaranteed recording contract with Full Moon Entertainment, and the winner will be promoted throughout (currently) 5 planets. Hopefully, next round, we'll be able to promote even to even more planets."

"We hope that you enjoy the show that we've prepared, and, anyway, on with the show!" She held her hand up and waved at the audience, blowing a kiss to them before heading off stage.

On with the show! )

Aug. 5th, 2019




Who's the baddest motherfucker in all the land?

That's right. This bitch right here.

Ladies? Allow me to introduce you to our brand new lead vocalist, the frankly adorable Adilyn Bellefleur!

Aug. 4th, 2019



Looking for Work

Does anyone know of any bars out there looking for bartenders?

I got skills. They multiplyin'.

Happy to show my mettle, if that helps at all.

Jul. 22nd, 2019



Not that the whole 'space' thing isn't amazing, but holy MOTHER this is freaky.

I saw lots of people I know on the list of residents, thank GAWD, including my little sister and my wife. Kayla, you there? I'm mostly sitting here trying to not have an epic freak-out.