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Posts Tagged: 'charlie+edwards+%28five0legacy%29'

Jul. 4th, 2021



Well, our little girl will be celebrating her first 4th of July. Complete with the works of a BBQ (I just hope that the food I eat when I breastfeed her doesn't give her an upset stomach) and ending it with fireworks. I am absolutely in love with this little girl.

Our little firecracker )

Apr. 7th, 2021



Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!

It National Beer Day

Jan. 3rd, 2021



Would you believe that I work so hard that I forgot my own birthday on the 1st? But then again, even here, with fewer crimes than back home, a police officer is very busy.

Dec. 15th, 2020



I can't wait for Christmas. I know that everyone is going to love my gifts that I got them. And spending time with my family....and it's going to be a White Christmas at that. I don't know why I'm so happy, but I am.

Nov. 24th, 2020



Thank you Lucas and Brooke for having Declan and me over for the twin's birthday. He had so much fun, as did I.

Now Thanksgiving quickly approaches and I am cooking for just two. And Declan hardly eats so really just myself. I miss Adrian, and Rose, too. I miss the gang from Palm Springs.

Sep. 3rd, 2020



Fuck I need a drink.

Anyone feel like tagging along with me, make sure I don't end up face down in a ditch somewhere?

Aug. 13th, 2020



I have a 2 1/2 year old now. He is the smartest two year old I know, and is toilet trained during the daytime, but not quite at night yet.

What do you say we get a sitter this weekend and spend a little time together?

Do you and Dimitri want to watch Declan this weekend so Adrian and I can have a date night?



So when my daughter that was in her twenties disappeared the other day, I got a surprise the next day. I now have my baby girl with me again, 5 year old Angie. I am happy to see my little girl again, so innocent. And Craig is still here and he offered to stay with me and Angie to help out, for a bit, just like when he was younger. Until he gets a job and his own place.

Would you like to come for dinner this weekend and meet Angie and Craig?

Jul. 6th, 2020



That was certainly a way to celebrate. Always love a good fireworks show and being with family.

May. 2nd, 2020



To All Our Friends

I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for gifts for JJ and the twins. It was sweet of you guys to remember them. It makes having a baby brother a little bit easier for them.

You all have been so sweet to us, thank you.

Jake and Kate

Apr. 19th, 2020



JJ is two months and two days old. Finally he is sleeping through the night. Jake and the kids have been such a help, with him. Even the twins are calm and gentle around him. I think it's time he starts meeting people.

I'm taking him out tomorrow, would anyone like us to stop by?

I plan on having lunch at the Crashdown. Anyone want to come with?

Mar. 27th, 2020



If anyone wants to join me I'll be at Granny's for a few drinks tonight.

Would you like to have dinner tomorrow night with me?

Mar. 1st, 2020



I'm going to take JJ to the zoo. I want to introduce him to different sights and sounds. They say a babies mind is like a blank slate. That they soak up everything until they are six. Now I don't know if it's true or not. I've heard it more than once. I heard it first in college.

For the First 6 Years, your child absorbs everything says Maria Montessori. I'm not sure if there are any Montessori schools here or not. I hope so.

Today his little brain is going to experience the zoo. I think it will be good for him. Anyone want to come with?

Feb. 8th, 2020



Someone just tried to shoot an arrow at me. Assaulting a cop is not a smart move.

Jan. 4th, 2020



You know 2019 had it’s ups and downs and I am ready for 2020. It’s all about starting over and making new memories for the year. I have an amazing boyfriend and we have a great daughter. Both young and teenage self are incredible. I feel blessed. And being able to be part of a great production. Yes, 2020 is going to be great.

Dec. 6th, 2019



Just what I needed, to wake up in the hospital. Apparently I had a fainting spell and have no recollection of how. I was rehearsing and now I’m in a hospital bed. I’ll be here for a couple more days.

Nov. 28th, 2019



What the hell?

Abducting a cop isn't a smart move.

Nov. 26th, 2019



I can't wait for this Thanksgiving, it's my first one with Matthew.

Adilyn and Godric
I have questions for you.

I'm over this cold so I can kiss you now without infecting you!

Oct. 4th, 2019




Thank you to whoever broke into my apartment earlier this week and left a Monopoly board game.

That was sweet. It reminded me of home.


Reinstating family game night. Saturday. Bring booze and prepare to be demolished.

Sep. 26th, 2019



If anyone needs me please consult my assistant Emma Swan. I will be going on my monthly vacation and will be gone until Monday.

Sep. 6th, 2019



Have to say that the blind date thing was a very good idea. I know that I had some fun and I got to get out of the office and go do something. Which is rare for me.

Aug. 26th, 2019


On September 1st, my life here changed forever.

I woke up to my wife gone and our newborn son laying in her place. Avery and I have had a rough year of teething, bumps, scrapes, Aves returning, Aves leaving, "no!", and crying ( both of us ) but we've also had a lot of great things happen too and that's what I plan on focusing on that day.

The 1st is a Sunday. I'd like to invite everyone with children and those that want to celebrate Avery to join us at his Teddy Bear Picnic birthday party in Freedontown Park starting at 1 pm.

Grab a teddy and come join us. There will be food, games, and water toys. Turning one is beary fun, after all!

[Max Black]

Can I get a few dozen cupcakes for this? Whatever flavors you want to make. Teddy bear decorations would be cool.

Aug. 1st, 2019



Snow, I am still at a loss for words to express just how thankful I am to have you in my life but know that I am and that I love you.

To everyone who helped my daughter throw me a baby shower more wonderful than I ever could have hoped for, thank you. From the very depths of my soul, thank you.

To everyone who came out to celebrate, I thank you and I apologize for having to leave so early.

And now to everyone, Robin and I would like to introduce you to the newest members of our household: David Christopher and John Alexander Locksley

cut for image )

Jul. 18th, 2019



Thinking I might go for a much needed vacation. I will have my phone on me in case there are any cases or emergencies.

Jul. 1st, 2019



Just a friendly reminder that to please be safe on the Fourth of July holiday. Nobody wants to get admitted into the hospital with firework accidents or injuries. Besides that, what are everybody’s plans?

Jun. 3rd, 2019



Pride Month....I’m sure there will be lots of sex going on and lots of partying. I usually don’t celebrate it....just get my fuck on and be done. But I’m thinking it’s going to be different this year.