May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'brady+marshall+%28lingeringechoes%29'

Jul. 4th, 2021



Just when I thought this place couldn’t get any crazier two more of me show up here!!

Anyway, Brady, are you coming over tonight still to watch the fireworks?

Jul. 1st, 2021



Well, now that everyone else is saying hello, hi, I'm Emma Cameron, who most of you know my other self as Emma Nelson.

My husband and I and our twin daughters will be living with my friend Eva while we figure out jobs and stuff.

May. 4th, 2021



Since Christmas so much has happened. I have been crazy busy and I only just realized that my 21st birthday is next month! Where did the time go since I got here to this place? The farm is booming. I love working there, running it. Life here is pretty good actually.

Feb. 21st, 2021



Alright, since I'm stuck back in this time and I can't go back to Earth because I don't want to confuse my younger self, I may as well settle in.

For those I haven't met yet, I'm Andi and I can manipulate sound.

Feb. 16th, 2021



The musical is going well. Get your tickets for 'Bye Bye Birdie,' now. I think this one may sell out before it starts. Our fearless leader, Rachel is doing a great job. She does work us hard, but I like it.

I love my castmates, they make it fun.

I've been seeing someone. I think you should meet him. It started out as a friendship. I think it's turning into more. His name is Tony Stark, not my boss but the other one. I was trying to keep it at a distance, so I wouldn't be devastated if he was sent home. But I've been unsuccessful.

I hope you're happy for me.

Dec. 18th, 2020



Do you want to do Christmas at our place? We could invite Darcy, your boyfriend, mine? Maybe we should invite someone for Darcy and play matchmaker? Did you know Darcy has a boyfriend?!

Want to come over for Christmas Eve dinner? We will probably order something but it will be fun.

Want to come over for Christmas at Manny and I's place?

Nov. 21st, 2020



Wanting to be a superhero doesn't feel the same here. I wanted so desperately to be the next Batgirl where I was from because I felt like Gotham needed my help. I have the powers and abilities to handle the job, but I had absolutely no training, and I was going off of my ego.

No more. I would like to start doing this legitimately. I know that this place isn't short on heroes, but it's still all that I want in life.

Oct. 6th, 2020



Who wants to do something this week? Anything!

Sep. 7th, 2020



Teachers and Students and Other Mutants

Happy Labor Day everyone. I hope you are enjoying your long weekend.

We're having a BBQ tonight for each of you and showing some movies. We're showing both versions of Mulan. Come to the Quad at five.

This is for both campuses.

Aug. 5th, 2020



Opening this month!


Homestead Gardens right here in Chicago! We offer people-powered urban farm serving up high-grade specialty herbs of all kinds. Everything is outside in natural light.

We also offer a variety of special herbs in our back garden. Upon request only.

May. 4th, 2020



I have always wanted my own droid.

Mar. 8th, 2020



Just curious... since I'll legally be able to do this in a couple weeks, would there be any interest in an authentic Japanese bakery/restaurant here? I love to cook, and I'm quite good at it if I say so myself... so I'd like to make a career of it.

If there IS interest in it, I'd be grateful if Liz-chan would want to have it associated with The Crashdown, since she and her family have been so wonderful to me.

Feb. 5th, 2020



All is well here. Although I am sort of missing someone back home. Guess next Friday I can call it Singles Awareness Day.

Jan. 4th, 2020



You know 2019 had it’s ups and downs and I am ready for 2020. It’s all about starting over and making new memories for the year. I have an amazing boyfriend and we have a great daughter. Both young and teenage self are incredible. I feel blessed. And being able to be part of a great production. Yes, 2020 is going to be great.

Dec. 7th, 2019



All Students

For those of you taking exams, good luck. I know you've studied hard. I'm proud of all of you.

This Saturday we are taking buses to Arendelle for those of you who want a tree may get one. There are all kinds of activities for you to partake.

Our Christmas dance is December 21. Each campus will have their own dance so that it is age appropriate.

We are going to be showing Christmas movies every night from the 22 until the 25. On the 23 we will be visiting the children's ward at our hospitals. We have tons of activities for the holidays. If anyone would like to suggest a movie to show or an activity you'd like to do during this two week break please respond to this message. For a list of everything please consult the web page.

As per usual it is your choice to attend.

If you are going home, but still would like to attend any activity that is fine. Remember to check lower school or University on the web page.

If you want to participate in secret Santa, please see my secretary, Ginni. She is handling all of that.

Nov. 26th, 2019




For those of you who are staying for Thanksgiving, please go to the web page and check out the activities available. Of course Thanksgiving dinner and all the fixings will be served on your campus. Classes end on Tuesday and return after the holiday. Exam schedules are also listed.

What ideas do you have for Christmas. Do we want to do another dance with the other schools or just have our own? I was hoping we could celebrate Thanksgiving together. What do you think?

When you have a few minutes I'd like to talk to you. Whenever is good for you is good for me.

Oct. 5th, 2019



Bored and lonely.

Not sure if I should go somewhere to test my powers or see if someone wants to take me dancing.

Sep. 30th, 2019



All work and no play makes Mallory a very frisky girl.

I need to get out, have some fun, get in some trouble.

Sep. 23rd, 2019



While I'm still far more full of sadness than I'm used to... it helps to have people that understand you.

Thank you for being there for me, Harley. I feel like we gave each other the first real comfort either of us have had in a long time.

Now if only I could find someone who can make me forget Mic- fill that hole in my heart.