May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'blake+morrison+%28blake_morrison%29'

May. 6th, 2021



Who: Blake and Gwen
Where: Their Home; Monstropolis
When: After Fran's intro
What: Discussing opening a mental health facility; also, being horndogs
Rating: R
Status: Closed; Complete

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May. 5th, 2021



Good afternoon, Galador!

How're we all doing today? Just wanted to give everyone a friendly reminder that you are all wonderful, and you should never let anyone make you feel less than that.

Private to Blake Morrison
Hi, Mrs. Morrison? I'm Dr. Priya Patel. I'm a licensed psychiatrist who's been freelancing between the local high schools, XMH, and DRH. I've heard whispers of you starting a facility dedicated to treating the mental health of people on Galador, and if this is true, I'd be extremely interested in working for you officially. This is the kind of thing I've been waiting for, and why I haven't officially signed to work for anyone exclusively yet.

Apr. 12th, 2021



I know I'm not always the best person. I can be self-centered as hell, I've used a few too many women in a few too many ways... but volunteering at Open Arms is good for my soul.

I feel good about myself every time I help someone there.

Laura? Lito? Carmilla? All of you? Thank you for letting me be a part of this.

And to anyone considering going there for advice/comfort/guidance? You can come to me any time.

Apr. 10th, 2021



Leave Boulder Free Zone... end up in a different universe entirely. I think that I'm good with this. I actually think that there are more people here than what was left on Earth back where I'm from.

I'm Fran Goldsmith and I came here with my new little baby girl, Abagail. My... okay, I'm not sure what we are, but I didn't come here alone. Stu is around here somewhere. He's asking a LOT of questions.

Apr. 3rd, 2021



When you're at The End Zone but can't drink...

Jan. 11th, 2021



What a great day. I'm feeling so alive right now... like I just want to go dancing and let loose.

Dec. 2nd, 2020



Maria and the girls are doing great.

Dec. 1st, 2020



You know... while she can be a little uptight for my tastes, Legs had a point: Me n' Patience are typically always hanging out. YO PK!!! We gotta fix this asap, bitch!

Anyway. So, there's been a lotta new peeps arriving lately, some even from the same world as me n' Blake. Sorry for not saying 'hey' sooner, just been busy with a job, kids to raise, and a wife to do unspeakable things to.

To those who I haven't met, name's Gwen Morrison. Hope everything's going well for all of you.

Private to Penelope Park
Yo. You don't know me, but I kinda feel like we need to talk.

Nov. 15th, 2020



My Steelers are about to be 9-0! We're kicking the everloving shit out of Cincinnati, and we're up by 29 points with 10 minutes to go. You'll all be seeing a very celebratory Rachelle on Universal Idol tonight. Enjoy the show, and afterwards? Half-price wings and drinks until close at The End Zone to celebrate the win!



Spotted outside the Welcome Center

[Santa Noelle landed outside the Welcome Center today with Snow Cone, the reindeer. She could be seen handing out candy canes to everyone who approached her]

Sep. 27th, 2020



....annnnnnnnnnnd it's time to break out the hard stuff. Goddamn motherfucking Miami Heat. I'll show you heat. That's right, shit is gonna burn tonight.

Aug. 10th, 2020



I don't really get angry much, but I have to say this. That gem totally SUCKS.

Jul. 16th, 2020



Hey moms. When the fuck does the baby fat go away? She's almost four months old and I still look like a cow.

Jul. 8th, 2020



I couldn't be more happy with my job. Both Meredith Grey and Dr. Doom give me full reign.

Babies rarely come during the day, at least with my patients, they seem to come in the middle of the night. Luckily James and our daughter are understanding. I couldn't do my job without all of their support.

I need to take Ellie out to shop for clothes she needs a new wardrobe. Any suggestions where I should take her?

Mar. 27th, 2020



Yikes. Ok, I've officially become that girl. The one who starts a new relationship and just totally (without trying) pretty much ignores everyone and everything.

Sorry, guys. I realized I was doing it though, so, totally back now. In my defense, Fei is REALLY distracting.

Nov. 10th, 2019



I'm in a super energetic mood tonight. Anyone got ideas for something to do?



I just sang to Remy, and he giggled and got all happy. I don't think there's ever been a better feeling in the world.

Sep. 24th, 2019


Anyone got tips on moving with a toddler?


I got the house! Let the packing commence.

[His Kids]

I'm moving to Freedomtown soon and when I get the keys, I'd like all of us to go to the house so you can pick your rooms.

Sep. 21st, 2019



It's Like When They First Started Dating

Who: Blake and Gwen
Where: The End Zone
When: Saturday, September 21st
What: Date night!
Rating: Mid-range; body shots are involved
Status: Closed; Complete

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Feb. 22nd, 2019



Home is Wherever You Are

Who: Blake and Gwen
Where: The Welcome Center
When: Monday, December 17th (Early Morning) -- immediately following this scene
What: Reunion
Rating: Mild, some language
Status: Closed; Complete

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Dec. 30th, 2018



Steelers are winning by three now. buit Browns are still losingto ther Raevens... I;n also very very drunjk.

I think im llying on the flood right now, but i couldn be wrong. updfates to come

Dec. 17th, 2018



Welcome to Galador

Who: Blake Morrison (with her two NPC toddlers, Zelda and Loki) and Julie Power
Where: The Welcome Center
When: Monday, December 17th (Early Morning)
What: Blake's Arrival
Rating: Low
Status: Closed; Complete

"Whoa, isn't this beautiful, guys," Blake said breathlessly as she walked through Mar-Vell park with her two children. Her daughter Zelda had peroxide blonde hair and was wearing a white dress along with a tiara and teeny-tiny converse sneakers. She was walking alongside Blake, eyes full of wonder. Blake carried her son Loki in her arms. The toddler had dark brown hair (cut into a mohawk) and was wearing a Punisher t-shirt.

It should be mentioned that Blake is a woman in her mid-20's with dyed auburn hair who herself was wearing purple Doc Martens, tight-fitting paint splattered jeans and a t-shirt that has 'it's a trap!' printed across the chest.

It should also be mentioned that she was trying not to freak the fuck out in front of her kids. "It's just like the Wizard of Oz," she said, "we'll just follow the road and see where it takes us."