May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'alya+fitz+%28thelittlemonkey%29'

Jul. 4th, 2021



Happy 4th, everyone!

Now, obviously the 4th of July is a holiday only in America, down on Earth.

BUT! I still have a hug reason to celebrate this date... today is the grand opening of The X-Stream!

That's right, the shop and the skate park are now open right next door to Madhouse Music! Stop in for lots of great deals on boards, equipment, skating lessons, and more!

May. 18th, 2021




Private to Lucy Van Warren
LUCY!!! She's here! Josslyn's here! No more long-distance-relationship stuff!!!!

Apr. 18th, 2021



Ahhhhhh. Nothing like spending a productive evening in my workshop, building my ship and blaring some Cannibal Corpse.

Feb. 1st, 2021



So now that I'm 21 as of yesterday, who wants to take me out to my first legal drink?

Nov. 18th, 2020



Since I've been back in this time period, I'm still being amazing every day by things that are happening. Each of us that has come back has caused our own little ripple in time to the point where a lot has changed and we can't say for sure what is going to happen next.

Personally? I'd like to find love again.

Oct. 24th, 2020



It's almost Halloween. Every year I hope this will be the year the gem brings me my dream man, and evvvvvvery year I get let down. He's got to be real somewhere... and one day I'll meet him and show him he can love again...


Not gonna give up hope.

Sep. 4th, 2020



Blah! Finding a new best friend is harder than I thought.

Aug. 20th, 2020



I've always prided myself on being a positive, upbeat person. No matter what life threw at me, I stayed that way. I think life finally won the battle. I don't feel like being happy and perky anymore. I'm tired.

Any chance you want a few extra days off? I was hoping I could take a few of your shifts, just to keep me busy and not thinking about the shitshow my life suddenly turned into.

Aug. 19th, 2020



Hey, everyone. Haven't been around here much lately, between working on some shoots for EMC, getting to know Janice, and spending time with my kid (yes, Dusty is my kid now. Soon as I can, I'm officially adopting him).

But I see we've had a lot of new people coming in lately, so I figured I'd poke my head in for a sec.

I'm Lia Larson. Resident vampire, 'adult actress', and all-around video game geek.