May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'alice+rydell+%28displacedwonder%29'

Jun. 1st, 2021



My bestie Lita might not be here anymore... but dammit, she loved having a big Pride party every year, so I'm keeping her tradition alive.

Next Thursday, 8pm, the top of Stark Tower in Freedomtown. We're gonna call it Young Pride 2021, and it's a special party for anyone between 16-23. Obviously no booze will be involved, but we'll have good music, good food, and TONS of fun. Let me know if you're interested, because depending on how many people RSVP, we might need to cap it.

May. 3rd, 2021




Tomorrow I have plans for you, for your birthday! I hope you have no other plans.

Mar. 3rd, 2021



Well, this is one way to get out of that asylum place. I could get used to this.

Jan. 25th, 2021



Am I allowed to say thank God that Valentines Day is on a Sunday so I don't have to deal with the school bullshit?

Jan. 19th, 2021



I am sorry I have not been in touch since the summer when we had dinner. Between school, dance classes, and work, I do not get a lot of free time. Want to do something again sometime?

I was looking through my old messages and I was so inconsiderate to you. I wanted to apologize to you. So, I am sorry. I hope you'll accept my apology.

Jan. 12th, 2021



Oh shit.

How am not going crazy when I feel like I'm going crazy?

Dec. 26th, 2020



This is a most confusing season. I hear many of you talking about these holidays, and while it frustrates me to not understand, I have done my best to piece it together.

So far as I can tell... this day celebrates the birth of a great warrior called Christ, who was so powerful and fierce that even death could not conquer him. He apparently had help from his teammates such as Saint Nicholas (who operated under the code-name of 'Santa Claus'), who's expertise in stealth allowed him to effortlessly enter the homes of mortals, leaving gifts for children and destroying Christ's enemies with his army of magical reindeer.

I believe there are also members of this team including an immortal man made of snow who regenerates every winter, but I have not sussed out the details of them yet.

Dec. 17th, 2020



So, I thought I'd celebrate my first Christmas as Queen of Monstropolis with a nice little surprise for everyone in my kingdom.

On Christmas morning, everyone living in Monstropolis is going to have a gourmet dinner delivered to their home by noon. Contact the Royal Palace and let the kitchen know if there's certain foods you can't/won't eat.

Faith Lehane
Hey, babe. For once, no inappropriate comments, I'm just here as a friend who cares about you. I know you've been going through some shit lately. You wanna come spend Christmas Day with me and Emily? We're having a big dinner for the family that's still here, and I *do* consider you part of that...

Nov. 21st, 2020



I'm still a little confused about Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

My name is Alice and due to a traumatic experience as a child, I created a place called Wonderland in my mind. Since being here, I've discovered that there a number of similarities between what I made up in the past decade of my life... and a story that seems to exist in many other realities for over a century and a half.

That being said? I guess that I'm glad that the book I've been working on isn't about Wonderland because I wouldn't be able to do that here.

Nov. 3rd, 2020



Business school is going well and I even had a little free time to be able to hang out for Halloween. I finally have a little bit of a life. It's nice.

[Molly, Lauren, Tatum)]
Hi girls. I was thinking of having Thanksgiving at my apartment this year. I know it is early, but what do you think of a Friendsgiving. Is that what it is called? Maybe you all want to help me put it together when we get closer? I miss my dad and thought this holiday might keep me busy if I put something together for my friends.

I had a good time with you on Halloween. I like spending time with you.

Hi. Would you want to get together sometime and go somewhere? Maybe the mall or something. I don't know. That's what me and my girlfriends usually did back home.

Oct. 21st, 2020



I knew that I wasn't unique and I was bound to run into some familiar things here.

... I just didn't expect to see one of the characters I created on someone's shirt on Universal Idol.

Sep. 19th, 2020



Filtered to teens 19 and under, but over 15

Let's have a party! We are all missing people, I know, but we need something to do other than mope. It's sad, yes, but let's live a little. Who's in for tonight?

Sep. 17th, 2020



So... not Boston College? Got it.

Not exactly Wonderland, either. This could make for a good book, though.

Oh right... I'm Alice Rydell. I guess that I'm new here? I managed to get a place in Monstropolis. I think that it could be fun there.