May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'adam+torres+%28princeamong%29'

Jun. 23rd, 2021



Hi, everyone! Just wanted to give a little update on my musical plans here.

While sticking with the movie motif, I've decided that rather than Suspiria, the final name I'm going with for the band is Lost Highway.

I've chosen my bass player, who will be Adam Torres, and my keyboardist, who will be Amy Van Warren.

I'm still searching for a permanent drummer though! So if you play, and want to audition for me, let me know!

Ariana Valencia

Ari!!! I had an idea. When Lost Highway plays it's first show here, would you like to sing with me on one of our songs? Might expose you to more fans!

I was thinking one of these two. Let me know what you think?

Mar. 29th, 2021



Hi everyone!

So, I sat down and had a long talk with the fine folks at Full Moon Entertainment, about the music I'd made in our world, what I brought here with me, and what I'd like to do moving forward.

I put a lot of thought into this, but I'm going to let my band from home (Beautiful Ghouls) stay there. I want to evolve, and grow, and show the changes I've made to my voice and my style over the last few years.

So, I'm tweaking the sound slightly, changing the name of the band to Suspiria (I have a thing for old horror movies, ok?), and am now looking for a permanent drummer, bassist, and keyboardist (super-special bonus points if you're a keyboardist who can also play rhythm guitar on request).

To give anyone interested an idea of the sound I'm going for, this is the last song I wrote (and completed) before being brought here, called "Forget Me Now".

Mar. 4th, 2021



I have been having so much fun here that I never come online. Except now I realize I need a job, well, I need money, so I thought it was a good time to come on and see who is hiring. Unless someone wants a poor roommate?

Feb. 20th, 2021



I do not know what to say on here. I just got here, well, really, we just got here. My little niece Hope is with me. She is not even a day old. As much as I love her I am not her mother and I have no idea what to do with her. I hope I do not screw her up while we are here.

Anyway, hi, I am Hailey, and I am moving to Paris!

That's always been my dream to open my own art gallery in Paris! Maybe this is how my dream comes true. Although being a full-time Auntie at the same time was not a part of the plan. This will be fun.

[Pearsons, Damon's]
Hi. I am Hailey Damon and I am in Paris if any of you want to contact me.

Meet Hope

Dec. 28th, 2020



Hey hey hey, y'all!

We're gonna be running a New Year's sale at Madhouse Music all next week: all instruments 25% off regular price, all accessories 35% off.

Got a super cool surprise, too - anyone who buys at least $50 worth of merchandise gets a free copy of an exclusive CD called "The Madhouse Sessions", made with the blessing of Full Moon Entertainment. It's some of the best performances FME artists have had on random trips to Madhouse Music.

Speaking of which, I wanna take a moment to say how proud I am of a few of my pals, for the amazing work they did on Universal Idol this season. My homegirl Barb won it all, my unofficial little sisters Bella and Ash were bad-ass as the backing band... y'all were fantastic and I love you all.

Nov. 20th, 2020



Being here has been a blessing for me. I had been separated from my friends when they went back to school and I started saving up for my transition. They're not all here, but having my niece around is really making up for a lot of the rest.

Nov. 11th, 2020



I love The Dot, it is a piece of home, but I am glad that I do not run it anymore. Between working with the girls in the band and taking care of my family that is here now, I would not have time to run a business.

That being said, I have a little surprise for you all this weekend. Come to Above the Dot this weekend to see a special live performance by me. I will be performing what I would have done if I had proceeded on Idol any further. I hope to see you all there.

Can you by any chance watch Ronnie again for us, please, so that Zig can be there since this one is for him. I would really appreciate it. And we will owe you again!

The Performance )

Oct. 27th, 2020



Somebody pinch me! I just saw a three-headed alien in the park!!

Oct. 22nd, 2020



I just left the Welcome Center with some keys to an apartment in Freedomtown. I checked this list to see if my mother was on it, or Dallas, Katie, anyone. But who's name do I see on the list instead? Other than Maya Matlin. Hey kid. I saw my brother's name on the list. But it can't be him. Can it? I know they said stuff like this happens but... Adam? Are you here?

Sep. 8th, 2020



Yo Eli!

Have you settled in yet? We need to catch up. I haven't really seen you and Claire since graduation.

Aug. 12th, 2020



So this cupid is putting herself out there. Who's free on Friday night?

Jul. 24th, 2020



Well, I was getting ready to go to college, but I guess that space is a viable option, as well.

Hey everyone, I'm Adam Torres. Originally from Toronto.