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Posts Tagged: 'adam+milligan+%28isntawinchester%29'

Apr. 5th, 2021



For my 34th birthday (which is almost over), all I want is for the girl I love to come over and snuggle while watching bad movies.

Mar. 10th, 2021



Why is it so hard to get laid while trying to stay sober?

Nov. 10th, 2020



Anyone else still having 'what if' feelings since the purge? I don't know how else to describe it. I'm done mourning. I miss Noah, but I'm not gonna spend my life grieving, either. But I still find myself wondering what if.

Would I have made a good wife? A good mother?
Would I have retired early? Focused on family?

I keep wondering those things and it frustrates me.

Private to Whitney Dean-Ramirez
Hey, hon. Just checking on you. How's everything? You've gotta be so proud of Neveah.

Oct. 3rd, 2020



Well it's like someone wanted to get my attention. Damn Demons!

Sep. 20th, 2020



I know there's a lot of shit going on right now, so forgive me if I seem insensitive right now.

But today? Only three words matter to me.


Aug. 9th, 2020




Anyone free to help me move some stuff?

May. 29th, 2020



Um wow...this is weird. Of all the crazy things I expected to happen, ending up in space? Not one of them.

Still, I can manage. I think.

Hello Galador. I'm Gertie.

Apr. 1st, 2020



Bunker Fam + Rangers

[backdated to Saturday]

Who wants to help myself and Dean move today? We promise a BBQ and beer at the end of it to reward you.



Alexia Ripley
Do you have some time for me? I'd like to talk about something in person.

SPN Crew
So who all is still living in the bunker? I was thinking about running a little business out of here with all of the space that has been clearing up lately.

Mar. 17th, 2020



It's this exciting, I've never heard of his planet!

Feb. 18th, 2020



Not gonna lie, it's gotten really hard not to fangirl with all of the amazing people that are here. Especially when it comes to hot, older women.

Feb. 17th, 2020



I'm... back? I'm back.

Dean, Sam, Charlie? Are you guys still here?

Feb. 3rd, 2020



What the heck? I remember these little guys showing up last year but I did not get anything from them. This time, on my way into Topanga's for work a little cherub handed me a bouquet of flowers. They are gorgeous but I was quite surprised. Anyone else receive anything today?

Jan. 17th, 2020



I think I did it! I think I finally reworked Ranger Series Green's teleporter so I can use it. Now to give it a few test runs.


Including coming to you, mister. You know what this means, right? If I can master this, I won't have to babysit the HQ and we can move in together sooner rather than later.

Dec. 5th, 2019



SPN people and family/adjacent

So I haven't really decided if I want to live in the bunker with Dean and the others, or with Sam and Jessica in their house. I think that the best way to decide is to get to know everyone better.

For those of you that I haven't met yet, my name is Cara. I met Sam and Dean when I was very little. Lilith got bored and possessed me for a bit. For many years, I had convinced myself that it was a dream. That is... until I found the blood-covered pink dress that I had been wearing when Lilith slaughtered my cat. That was when I snapped. I remembered snapping my grandfather's neck and how I had treated everyone in general. I know that it wasn't me, but at the same time... I still feel like it sort of was.

It's been many years since all of that happened and I've learned to live with it. I don't really have my own interests yet, because ever since I found the dress, I've just been the weird, quiet kid in the corner. I'm hoping to find myself while I am here.

Nov. 22nd, 2019



Who has the best apple pie on this planet?

Oct. 8th, 2019



It's probably about time I re-join the land of the living, huh?

Sep. 4th, 2019



The full moon this month is on Friday the 13th. How cool is that?

Aug. 13th, 2019



This is bad...very very bad.

I think I saw some names, I know, I'm John Winchester from the future.


Aug. 5th, 2019



That’s freaking fantastic. My brother and I had to be baby-sat by family while mom and dad went to Disneyland. I get the whole want to be alone thing, but Disneyland? I’m so jealous. I need a vacation before school starts back up again. But, of course I have no money. I should look for a part time job. Who hires teens?

Jul. 29th, 2019



Originally I was a little irked about the ideas of Duets Week. Of essentially having my fate be partially in someone else's hands.

But now? I'm pumped. The judges want to see something special from me? No better chance than this.

The #ScreamQueens are gonna rock the shit out of this competition.

PS - Jack, sweetie? Don't even let this get you down. You kicked ass. I'm so damn proud of you, you don't even know.

Jun. 22nd, 2019



Pivate to Summer; as Well as Their Friends and Family

How do I even start this?

Most of you know that I'm not good with words. But I want us all go out together. Next Saturday. No burgers or pie. Somewhere fancy. Dressing up. Good company. Good food. Good booze. Everything.

Let me know if you can come and I'll do the rest.

Private to Adam
We'll get you something to eat before. You're family. I want you there.

Private to Charlie and Sam
I want this to go well. Summer--she's family. I haven't said it to her yet, but she's family.

May. 1st, 2019



Hey! Anyone who knows Sam Winchester (any of the variants will do) make sure to wish them a HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow. Bonus points if it's in the most embarrassing way possible.

I regret nothing, Sam. But drinks are on me tomorrow. <3

So, fun story. I have a teenager now.

Welcome Center asked me if I'd take guardianship over one of the minors here.

How's it going?

Apr. 17th, 2019




Dean wasn't the best person to get to know in any given circumstance. If anything over his years on Galador he'd become even more of a recluse. He had family in the bunker and a girlfriend(?) that he rarely spoke to. Maybe it was time to change that. He wasn't as tech savvy as his brother Sam, or his friend/surrogate sister, Charlie, but he decided to try.

Bunker Family & Extended Family
The weather's warming up. BBQ, anyone?

I'm gonna try to wrangle my family into a BBQ sometime soon, if you wanna join us.

If not. Maybe a beach date sometime soon?

He wanted to give her an out if she didn't want to meet 'the family', but he still wanted to make an effort for them to spend time together. It was about time, honestly.

Apr. 11th, 2019



Still not use to being on a different planet.

This place kinda feels like heaven.

Mar. 12th, 2019



I'm probably going to need something to help me sleep at night. I can't keep getting woken up by nightmares. Then I feel bad for waking up the others I'm staying with. Half of the time I don't even want to sleep.

Feb. 13th, 2019



You know, I like to think I adapt well to things. But an alternate reality, a different planet, AND the ability to suddenly be in the sun?

I had to have fed off of a crackhead or something. That's gotta be it.

Jan. 16th, 2019



Ho-lee SHIT! Real trans-reality displacement... I've had theories about this for years but I never thought I'd actually experience it. Gotta admit - while I never thought about one reality's fiction being another reality's truth, it makes total sense, because it's a way for all realities to be tethered together in some way, no matter how minute.

Oh. Heh. Sorry for the word-vomit. I'm Hayley. Hope to meet all of you!

Dec. 2nd, 2018



text post: sam winchester

From a one way ticket to Hell to another planet. Can't say I saw that coming.

Deanna, your name is in my phone so I know you're here.

Oct. 15th, 2018



Bunker Residents

Role call!

I know a bunch of us went out there once those little things came into town, but we got separated. Is everyone OK?

Jun. 19th, 2018



Okay I'm not sure what just happened but Morgan Landsdown-Winchester checking in I guess.

Mom? Dad? Uncle Sam? Aunt Cassie? Deanna? Are you here?

Apr. 24th, 2018



Has anyone else here been collecting independent data about the various dimensions? I'd be interested in comparing it to my own and maybe collaborating to gather more.

How goes the book club? Can I do anything to help get it organized?

Sound off. Everyone doing okay? Need anything?

Dec. 4th, 2017



Hey, Max. My name is Sam Winchester. It looks like I've been assigned to be your guardian here for now.

I was assigned to be the guardian to one of the Under 18s here. So we're likely going to be adding one more to our number. If anyone's got issues, let me know.

Nov. 26th, 2017



I... I don't understand. Where am I?