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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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Posts Tagged: 'active:+joan+watson'

Nov. 9th, 2021



Network: Neal Caffrey

Is it weird that I kind of miss the apples?

[ Lizzy & Joan]
So, even though one of you is from the Motherland, and the other is on more of a liquid diet these days, we're still going to have a proper meal at Thanksgiving. For Arthur's sake, of course. Because I never do anything halfway, we'll have plenty of food and wine, so feel free to invite anyone else you'd like.

Sep. 13th, 2021



» network: elizabeth bennet

For those of you who were acquainted with the Holmes siblings, it seems the Entity saw fit to return them to their proper time.

[ neal ]
I do not suppose this meets the special requirements for a Mai Tai occasion?

[ matthew ]
I am alright.

[ joan ]
I might step out for a spell. Is there anything you might need before I leave?

Sep. 8th, 2021



Network: Angel

[ Bonnie Bennett ]
You don't need to keep coming by.

[ Kate Pryde ]
I don't know if you know yet or not, but I think Pete and Buffy was sent back. I don't know when, but I came home today and his things were gone. I'm sorry.

[ Joan Watson ]
[...] Nothing I ever do or say can make up for what I did to you, but I'm so sorry. He never should have had the chance to roam Goodland, and you never should have been caught in the crossfire. If there's anything I can do to help you now - finding blood, helping with the cravings, anything - I'll do whatever I can.

May. 8th, 2021



[No Subject]

I'm sure you guys are expecting this!

I am only capable of doing first aid sorts of things. I have a basic knowledge of everything in the clinic so that I could assist Dr. Sam and the other doctors, but unfortunately without them I don't have the knowledge to operate it all by myself.

If you need some basic help--- stitches, band aid, non-emergency type injuries like that, I can help you. Otherwise, you will have to go to the hospital.

And I should probably find a new job since both my brothers are here now and my grocery bill is going to go through the roof.

but first, through the wardrobe! <3

Apr. 28th, 2021



Network: Lizzy Bennet

I believe I shall miss the clever little mouse who took up residence with us for a few days.

[ Lissa ]
Have you been settling in alright?

Apr. 8th, 2021



» network: lizzy bennet

I must admit I prefer this change of scenery, especially when compared to the previous curiosities that have occurred since my arrival.

[ joan watson ]
Thank you for the breakfast. Please excuse my rather rude intrusion.

[ neal caffrey]
I am never partaking in a Mai Tai again. You are a dreadful influence and yet? I adore you still.

[ sherlock holmes ]
I believe you've spent enough time with your walls and books.

Apr. 2nd, 2021



Network: Neal Caffrey

Now, this I could get used to even if it's only for a few days. As much as I do love New York, even a fake one, I've missed island life.

Cruise life is on up there too.

Feb. 22nd, 2021



» network | joan watson

I have a small, time sensitive project that I need some help with.

I've gotten my hands on some assistive technologies, and what I need is someone to help make them communicate to one another within a set space, like Wifi, I guess. Technology isn't my strong suit and I don't have any of my irregulars at hand right now.

Anyone up for helping?

I'm probably going to be working a couple extra hours medically speaking, and I don't want Enola to feel like she has to keep saying yes when I leave Arthur with her, is it okay if I drop him off with you guys in the morning?

I promise exchange of babysitting duties whenever you need it.

Hi, I'm Joan, we met the other morning. Natasha tells me you're good with tinkering, and I was thinking you could help me with something for your dad?

Feb. 21st, 2021



Private Message

[Marvel Adults Plus Friends Of Natasha and Clint]*

I have no idea how to say this. I just wanted to let you guys know what's happening. Yesterday morning, Clint woke up and he couldn't see. We had Joan take
a look at him (thank you, Joan) and long story short after an MRI to confirm things, it seems that the whack on the head he took during the Monster Mash has led to some brain swelling. There is a chance that the swelling will resolve on its own but there is no guarantee. We hope that's the case since the other alternative would be surgery.

I'll be sticking close to home for now, I'm leaving Gamora and Nebula in charge of the dance studio/gym so if you have classes there or whatever, check with them. If you need some maintenance type stuff done, any volunteers would be great. Clint told me that most of the big stuff was taken care of but there might still be a few things. We have no idea how long this will last but we're hoping not too long.

Clint is doing okay otherwise but we're both in shock over this whole thing. I'll try to keep you updated or if you want to send me a message, that'd be fine too.

[Steve Rogers]

I'm leaving what to tell James up to you, I trust your judgement. He's getting over his own stuff and I didn't want to give him anything else to worry about. I've been checking on him every day and he might wonder if I don't show up. So thanks.

*[Since between the two of them, they pretty much know everybody, I thought it'd be easier to do it this way so if you think your character fits the category, they probably do. I didn't include kids/Teenagers since Nate will probably tell them]

Feb. 15th, 2021



[No Subject]

Well, who doesn't love a Valentine's Day to top off nearly getting overwhelmed by monsters?

Hey, brother. Need to ask a favor. If you're up for it.

Hey, not!niece. My other kid is here. You wanna test out your future drunk aunt skills around him?

Bring the unnecessarily tall one over. My other kid's shown up. You should meet him.

Hey, Elena asked me to contact you. You're coming over, our other kid is here. Wants you to meet him. Don't eat him. I'll take it personally.

Got some spare time? Our other kid is here. You should meet him.

Jan. 31st, 2021



[No Subject]

We're just about done converting the clinic to emergency facilities. From the looks of things we could probably use some extra hands with basic medical training. For now I can get out to treat people in the field if needed but I'll update everyone if that changes.

For those who weren't here last time something like this went down there are emergency packs in the apartments courtesy of Stark Industries.

Jan. 26th, 2021



voice post: elizabeth bennet

I believe perhaps I have taken my whimsy a bit too far this time...

Nov. 21st, 2020



» private message

I know you're both British and thus not prone to Thanksgiving shenanigans, Arthur and I don't tend to bother either. Usually it's just him, me and our friend Rose.

So I was thinking we could have an evening of fun foods and relaxation. Some pizza, burgers, Arthur is really fond of churros too.

If you two don't have plans?

Oct. 24th, 2020



» network | joan watson

Okay, Goodland again. Sure, why not.

Arthur and I can always use a break from our regular weird to enjoy this kind of weird.

I guess here we go again?

Jun. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

21 weeks and all of these baggy clothes are making me look like a smuggler. I hate them. So, I guess we can't hide it anymore...

Whether the world is ready for it or not whether I'm ready for it or not...

There is going to be a tiny Gilbert-Salvatore and judging by the demanding kicks? She's already too much like Damon.

May. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Filter: Joan Watson]

I don't know where the time went...but I was wondering if I could ask you for a favor?

ETA: [Filter: Damon Salvatore]

We're going to have to get over this quick or at least pretend to...

...Especially if you want to see our baby tomorrow.

Apr. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]

Mother fucking bullfrogs.


I ain't reporting shit to Doctor Sam. I wouldn't recommend telling him anything.

That said, fuuuuuck. I fried my computer.

Apr. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

[Guardians of the 8th Floor]
I'm so sorry, there was a- something happened and I felt it and my powers just reacted. I've broken almost everything in my room and the door.

I lost control. It won't happen again.

Can I sleep on the floor in your room tonight? :(

Mar. 31st, 2020



[No Subject]

[Doctors at the Clinic]

Is someone here able to see me? I think I've caught some kind of cold as I have developed a slight fever. I need an increase in my penicillin and an antiviral treatment relatively quickly.


Going to the clinic, hopefully. Feeling under the weather so getting something to knock it on the head before I get really sick.


You doing okay?

[Conner & Cassie]

Hey guys can we hang out somewhere this evening and watch bad movies please so I can sleep on you and pretend that's not what I'm doing?

Mar. 20th, 2020



[No Subject]

Uh, where am I? I was in the park and now... I'm not? I mean, I'm in a park, but not the park I was in. And I have a piece of paper saying someone was meant to meet me?

I'm Rachel, and I'm pretty lost right now. :/