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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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Posts Tagged: 'active:+neal+caffrey'

Nov. 9th, 2021



Network: Neal Caffrey

Is it weird that I kind of miss the apples?

[ Lizzy & Joan]
So, even though one of you is from the Motherland, and the other is on more of a liquid diet these days, we're still going to have a proper meal at Thanksgiving. For Arthur's sake, of course. Because I never do anything halfway, we'll have plenty of food and wine, so feel free to invite anyone else you'd like.

Oct. 13th, 2021



Network: Neal Caffrey

I could really get used to the convenience of farm-to-table cooking when the farm's right outside the door for pickup. Nothing's better than fresh, and 'tis the season for trying out new recipes. So far the apple cinnamon pancakes have been the favorite.

Side note-- they all tend to taste as they sound. Sweet, juicy, but my favorite: full of tart.

Oct. 4th, 2021



Network: Lizzie McGuire

Now that the killer robots are gone, we can properly plan for Halloween. I'm throwing a party in the conference room. All ages. Costumes required. Help planning is appreciated!

Sep. 13th, 2021



» network: elizabeth bennet

For those of you who were acquainted with the Holmes siblings, it seems the Entity saw fit to return them to their proper time.

[ neal ]
I do not suppose this meets the special requirements for a Mai Tai occasion?

[ matthew ]
I am alright.

[ joan ]
I might step out for a spell. Is there anything you might need before I leave?



Network: Lizzie McGuire

I'm glad we are no longer living in my middle school nightmares. I missed my bed!

Aug. 25th, 2021



Network: Neal Caffrey

Somewhere out there in the multiverse, my friend Peter is waking up from his worst nightmare.

But for me? This is the best dream ever come to life.



» network: elizabeth bennet

What a curious and amusing turn of events.

Jun. 1st, 2021



Network: Neal Caffrey

I'm torn. I'm finally able to experience what it's like to be a part of a true film noir, but it's impossible to finish this Matisse in all these grays.

Oh, and then there's that abandoned fun house vibe going on outside.

May. 9th, 2021



Network: Neal Caffrey

Is it just me, or is anyone else a little worried about being in Narnia with the snow?

Apr. 17th, 2021



[No Subject]

Guys... I may have found my spirit animal. Or he may have found me? Either way, we just played a few rounds of blackjack, and he kicked my ass.

I think he could kick my ass if he wanted to too.

Apr. 8th, 2021



» network: lizzy bennet

I must admit I prefer this change of scenery, especially when compared to the previous curiosities that have occurred since my arrival.

[ joan watson ]
Thank you for the breakfast. Please excuse my rather rude intrusion.

[ neal caffrey]
I am never partaking in a Mai Tai again. You are a dreadful influence and yet? I adore you still.

[ sherlock holmes ]
I believe you've spent enough time with your walls and books.

Apr. 2nd, 2021



Network: Neal Caffrey

Now, this I could get used to even if it's only for a few days. As much as I do love New York, even a fake one, I've missed island life.

Cruise life is on up there too.

Mar. 20th, 2021



» Network: Lizzy Bennet

[ Neal ]
I find myself wanting to perhaps change my wardrobe a bit to reflect this era. Would you lend me your arm for a shopping trip?

[ Sherlock ]
I have finished the collection of poems your mother left in your library.

Mar. 16th, 2021



» Network: Enola Holmes

Would you care for an outing? I have been banished from our library.

Mar. 15th, 2021



» Network: Lizzy Bennet

I never believed I would need to be wary of my hand mirror.

Mar. 9th, 2021



[No Subject]

I never thought I'd ever be so glad to see a fake Manhattan outside my window.

Feb. 16th, 2021



[No Subject]

As much fun as I would have had restocking my suit collection, I somehow managed to luck out with my entire wardrobe showing up up in my closet over the weekend. It's nice to feel more like myself again.

Instead, I'll get to work on restocking my wine collection. Maybe it won't disappear as quickly since my friend Mozzie isn't here to drink it all.

Hello, my name is Neal Caffrey, and I'm a BIG fan I was curious if you planned to open or already had opened an agency here. Rumor has it that you're the best in the business, and I'd be interested in consulting with you on occasion if the need arises.

I have previous consulting experience with a law enforcement agency in my home world, and my record might even rival yours, if I may be so bold. My case expertise in is white collar crimes such as theft, forgeries of all sorts, code-breaking, the arts, and many other areas that I could touch on a later date. I'd understand that you may not trust my own word for my skills, so I'm open to a test or trial run, if you're interested. Thank you for your time.

Feb. 12th, 2021



Network: Lizzy Bennet

I would very much like to assist those who are repairing the aftermath of that terrible ordeal.

Sherlock Holmes
I suppose I should thank you for your...hospitality.

Neal Caffrey
Are you alright?

Matt Murdock
Once you have taken a rest, would you care for some tea and perhaps the tale of two insufferable men?

Jan. 26th, 2021



[No Subject]

Last time I was in the city, there were lot less feathers.



voice post: elizabeth bennet

I believe perhaps I have taken my whimsy a bit too far this time...