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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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Posts Tagged: '%21gamewideplot'

Nov. 26th, 2021



[No Subject]

Looks like I'm elbowing my way through some crowds to find some better winter boots. And a scarf. And gloves. And everything else you need to enjoy super amazing snow and ski lodge things!

Lucky already went bounding through it and now he's curled up with me under a blanket. What a dork. 💜

[B Squared (Billy Batson)]
So, young Billy of House Batson, what are your intentions with young Cassie of House Lang?

More importantly, what are you getting her for Christmas and do I need to provide you an extensive list of possibilities?

It's possible that I have made a list of all the things to do now that it's officially the holiday season. But, I also realized that a lot of these things are...visually-driven and I don't want to be a terrible human being -- are these things you'd maybe want to do? Things being going to the tree lighting and window shopping and visiting Bryant Park?

And, of course, hot chocolate in the ski lodge because we need to do at least one of those things.



[No Subject]

Hell, yeah! Who wants to race me down the slopes?

Oct. 16th, 2021



[No Subject]

I do not like these trees. I have nothing against sentient trees, after all I have Baby Groot but these are evil. He assumes they are family and tries to talk but they are mean to him and try to hurt them. If they do it again, they will meet the steel of my blade.

Oct. 15th, 2021



Network: Ted Poole

Hey, Gwen? Can we feed the apples to Jeff?

Oct. 13th, 2021



Network: Neal Caffrey

I could really get used to the convenience of farm-to-table cooking when the farm's right outside the door for pickup. Nothing's better than fresh, and 'tis the season for trying out new recipes. So far the apple cinnamon pancakes have been the favorite.

Side note-- they all tend to taste as they sound. Sweet, juicy, but my favorite: full of tart.



[No Subject]

What in Merlin's name is this foolishness? Seriously. I WANT MY APPLE TREES OUT OF MY GARDENS NOW.

Anyhow, the botanical gardens will open on November 1st. Should I do a soft opening or a fantastic grand opening? A Weasley does nothing on a small scale.

Oct. 12th, 2021



[No Subject]

I dont even like apples they are so dumb



[No Subject]

Anyone else just kind of want to sit outside and stare them down while eating a slice of apple pie?

Just me?

Be right back, getting some whipped cream.



Network: Freddy Freeman

Some of those apples know some foul language!

Oct. 10th, 2021



[No Subject]

I remember craving apples when I was expecting Elizabeth. Hoever, I was never presented with an apple who cursed at me. Definitly not what I was expected when I thought spending the afternoon walking through a giant apple orchard would be a pleasant diversion.

Sep. 29th, 2021



Network: Betty Ross

How do you keep teen superheroes at home? Asking for a friend.



[No Subject]

I'm not saying that I'm going back to the dark ages with this stuff. But I'm tempted to unplug Alexa and throw out the roomba.

Torunn? Your namesake is just as protective; I'm pretty sure she's mauled more robots just because than some people have. Catasha, as her namesake, could not be bothered with any of this.

I think my collection of animals has been gearing me up for making my own Avenger team via fur.

Sep. 28th, 2021



» Network: Eliot Waugh

What does one wear to a robot invasion? Nothing too maudlin, I hope. I don't have the right beverage for that.



» network: gwen poole


Is there a katana doctor in the house!? How about a robot guts removal service? What's the fee for something like that? Like it's gotta be a pretty rare service. So, do they over charge to overcompensate? I have so many questions.

[ ellie ]
That's it! I'm f!@#ing done. No more robots.



[No Subject]

I never thought that I would get to the point that killer robots barely phase me.

[Billy and Freddy]
Being safe?



» Network: Morgan Stark

These little shits are relentless. Not pissed. Just annoyed I had to waste perfectly good charges for some damn Pop Tarts.

[...] Objections to me trying to reprogram one? Before you weigh in? Too late.

Sep. 27th, 2021



Message to Rose Hathaway

What are these thing? Are we safe? I cannot believe the things that I have seen since I have been here.



[No Subject]

So who's in charge? Just let me know and me and my sisters will go kick some robot butt.



[No Subject]

Demon vs Robot--place your bets on who's going to win.

Spoiler Alert: Its gonna be me.

Chloe, you stay inside with the kids. Lucifer get your well dressed ass out here and help.



[No Subject]

I am going to set 3 of the Direwolves loose on these stupid things. The other four are going to protect my sister and Margarey

Point me where you need us most and we will clear out some of these stupid things