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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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Posts Tagged: 'inactive:+hope+summers'

Aug. 24th, 2020



[No Subject]

Given we've sustained so many losses lately and given what happened last time it's probably time to check in on who's here, and what they can do.

I'm not just talking about fighting. Last time when things went South we had a lot of people step up and help provide food and shelter when it was needed and that's important. Then there's those of you with medical experience, and the ones good with technology.

I don't know if there's still a list, but if there is it's out of date, and I'd like to get it updated.

Last time there was a battle to be fought everyone ran in with their own agenda. Myself included. And while the intentions were good, it's not the smartest way to do things. We need a plan. I'm not saying this is just my call. There are people here from worlds I don't know, and those of you who don't know me.

But I'd like to be ready.

Aug. 21st, 2020



network | remy

When it rains it pours around here, heh? Apparently everyone was having just a little too much fun.

[ EMMA ]
I think you might've been right about that 'seize the moment' thing.

You okay, chérie?

Je suis désolé about your little ward, the petite was quite a little one.

Either of you need anything, you just say, oui?

Aug. 16th, 2020



[No Subject]

I have a feeling we're going to need this

This camp is the perfect place to start sparring lessons, from the sparring club Torunn and I are working on. If you're interested, let one of us know.

I do look forward to it, it has been awhile since I've gotten to assist with training. And I do so miss it.

Jul. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

The best part of it all was probably the fact that my boobs never changed. Money very well spent for sure.

Are you still panicking darling? Or shall I bring over some dinner? Maybe some wine? We can enjoy a night where we're both the correct age.

I do so miss when you were such a little brat. Are you doing okay?

Jul. 24th, 2020



Network: Torunn Thorsdottir

[Filtered to Self]

My brothers are gone. Tia doesn't know me at her new age. Bruce is a kid. And now? My grandmother is Odin knows how old. The entity is on my last nerve.

[/filter to self]

I could use a sparring partner. Most of mine are indisposed.

Jul. 16th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Logan, Remy, Kate]
Bobby, Erik, Jean, and Scott. They're all gone.



[No Subject]

The food here is weird, there are too many people, and I'm missing out on training. When is mommy coming?

Jul. 6th, 2020



[No Subject]

Why are there no other people here?

May. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

There's hardly a point to all this training if I don't find out what the Coliseum is all about, is there?

May. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Did I pass through!? If so this is hardly eutopia? I don't remember any of the others that the Five brought back waking up in a stuffy room the smells like Cheetos!? Ugh. Why the fuck does my head hurt so bad? Why the fuck do I remember Goodland?

Where the fuck is Sebastian Shaw?

Apr. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]

Jesus, I thought this type of shit was behind me. Guess time to suit up.


You and Stormy getting along real well. Gonna bite my fucking head off if I ask what madness is going on here? Powers and no power bullshit.

I don't have the mind powers, love, but I do know a thing or five about helping mutants.

Apr. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

I'm having weird feelings about the school year ending soon. Not a fan. Feel free to keep the sugar coma streak going with free beignets in the common area. Powdered sugar shaker's there too, if you break it you owe me a new one.

Apr. 13th, 2020



[No Subject]

Jesus effing Christ.

Information downloads are not meant to leave the migraine of the century, I didn't need that much time crammed into my memories all in one go, thank you very much.

That's a lot to take in just one moment. On the plus side, I'm still as fabulous as ever.



[No Subject]

I have a little bit of a teensy question because I've kind of lost track. How many more holidays should I expect until July fourth? I feel like an EMT should know these things.

But for anyone new here, I'm James Rogers. Yes, Rogers as in That Guy Most Of You Know. What's up?



[No Subject]

[Jean, Scott, Erik]
What's your history with Mystique? She's sounding a lot friendlier than I'd expect.

added: [616 mutants]
Scott says that Mystique is part of their team and a mentor. It might not be a bad idea to be cautious, but I know alternate realities aren't always as we expect. It's possible that she really is on our side.

Apr. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

Gonna need to find a chapel for mass tomorrow. Then maybe a nice brunch to celebrate. Times like this I miss the parades, nowhere does street parties like home.

Did you steal my shades chérie? Don't mind if you keep the shirt, but need the shades.

Apr. 10th, 2020



[No Subject]

This isn't where I just fucking was. What is going on? Can't an old man finally fucking rest without being hurled into some new timeline? Guessing no, which is just fantastic.

Kid, you out there? Did you make it?

I need a drink.



[No Subject]

Apparently being a terrorist, revolutionary, CEO and adventurer doesn't translate terribly well to 'normal' employment.

Thus, falling back on the main position I've had to offer many.

I have secured a position teaching at the high school here, although the end of year is approaching, apparently there are summer options. Either way, having something to do will likely stop me from losing my mind or becoming an alcoholic, which Remy is fully facilitating.

Apr. 3rd, 2020



abbie keener -- 001

Shit. Did I get snapped again? This is a new kind of snap since it's not dark, and the one that did it signed their name, and I have this thing. But people from other planets come and go as they want, so you never know.



[No Subject]

For the record that was not me.