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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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Posts Tagged: 'inactive:+thalia+grace'

May. 17th, 2020



Network Post: Edmund Pevensie

It seems I arrived at a tumultuous time. I'm sorry to hear that so many of you have lost friends recently. As my sister Susan wrote the other day, my name is Edmund Pevensie, and the two of us have just arrived here. Those of you whom I haven't written to or met at Verdant, I hope to get to know all of you soon.

May. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

I think it is perhaps time I actually subject myself to a job. Bard, it seems, is not a true profession here. A tragedy, really.

I've narrowed it down to the following:

Music teacher
Professional bum
Singing telegram
Museum tour guide

It may need some fine tuning, but I am still looking. I have, unfortunately, become accustomed to being a lazy flower. If only I could continue to just live a jolly life of Sailor Moon, karaoke, and not having to sully my delicate hands.

May. 11th, 2020



Network: Hugo Weasley


Oy, it has been a bit. What's up?

May. 10th, 2020



Network Post: Hazel Levesque

I remember now. It's been a long time

Do we still have to go to school?

I'm sorry I disappeared

[Thea Queen]
thank you for helping me

Apr. 25th, 2020



voice to text

I gave up my magic for a rea

I keep shorting out everything I touch. It freaked me out at first and I kind of made lightning, I think. It was pretty freaky but I think I have that part under control as long as I stay calm. ish. But I've already killed the toaster and the microwave. I'm afraid to touch basically anything.

I know similar things are happening to a lot of people. Is everyone okay?

Apr. 24th, 2020



[No Subject]




[No Subject]

this litening needs to go away rite now i keep shoking things & its anoying & i didnt caus the crater in front of the villa that was ther already im sory about the ostri from the litening storm that also isnt me


i dont kno whats going on but you kno abowt litening things. how do i stop it?

Apr. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

the woods kind of make me think of kaptshur kaptur captshu capture the flag from camp hafbl

but with out the monsters.

i dont mis the monsters. kind of mis

allmost mis my cab the hades cab dads the cabin.

not so much the sing a longs.

mite go see if the moris jo jumel mansh mansion is haw haunted or not tonit tomorow some time soon.

this place is to croude

Apr. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

And how long shall this place remain calm this time? The frequency of the madness the Entity likes to hurl at us seems random. A shame really.

I suppose it might be nice to go to someplace like Paris. The books make it seem fascinating.



[No Subject]

Great, still fucking here. Guess it wasn't a death dream. This class for a breakfast scotch.

[Emma, Karen, Hope]

Sorry I got back so late. Hope I didn't wake any of you. Also, I'll clean up any blood I left in the living room.

[Scott Summers]

Hey, dick thanks for keeping me company last night.


I feel better. Sorry, bub, you are stuck with me for a while now. Thanks for saving my ass.


Hey, kid.

Waffles later?

Apr. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Ever since Disney, I've had "Let it go" stuck in my head.

Clearly, there's only one solution to this: karaoke.

Who's in?

Mar. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

The trouble with losing someone or someones in such a magical place is that it tends to lose its splendor, doesn't it? But, that is terribly unfair to blame the location. There are too many unknowns to blame something singular, though I know Bruce had his list. I am sure Richard did as well.

As tempting as it is to fall into despair, I would rather look to hope--that there is a promise in that one day, we will all see those we care about again, one way or another.

I am truly sorry that Bruce is no longer here. If I may be of help to any of you in his stead, you need only ask.

If you are up for it, I would like to see you.

Mar. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Diana]'s pretty busy at the museum these days, right? Lots of early mornings and late nights?

(The answer I'm looking for is yes)

[Filtered to Hugo Weasley]
Whatchoo doing tonight?

Feb. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

It is hard to believe I have been here for three months now. Some of you have been here longer still, isn't that right? I know that it has not always been easy, but I do hope you've found some happiness here.

Do you really intend to brood in silence as long as you are? I won't allow it.

I have acquired a waffle iron! Isn't it nice that's the highlight of the week instead of simply surviving another day?

Feb. 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

A minister, a priest and a rabbit walk into a blood bank.

The rabbit says, "I think I'm a Type-O".

Feb. 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

Happy half priced chocolate day!

Feb. 9th, 2020



NETWORK: Lizzie McGuire

[FILTER: Archers]

Hi! I'm Lizzie McGuire. I was wondering if you'd want to take part in my Hearts and Arrows fundraiser for heart disease? I thought it would be a good way to give back for Valentine's Day. Would you mind doing some demonstrations on Friday? It is a luncheon so you won't miss any plans that night. [location included]

Feb. 7th, 2020



Texts to Nico di Angelo

» Hey
» You awake yet?

Feb. 2nd, 2020




Last night was lit.

[Filter: Rapunzel]

How are you doing?

Jan. 31st, 2020



[No Subject]

nightmares again hate waking up five hours before my alarm is set to go off. Not able to go back to sleep. Ended up getting up to watch Netflix. I give up on sleep.

I made two types of cookies. Guess it's not all a wash.