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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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Posts Tagged: 'active:+brooke+maddox'

Sep. 25th, 2021



[No Subject]

This is the weirdest thing. I've never seen a droid that just needed to be smacked over the head with a light saber hilt to destroy it. I didn't even have to use the blade.

It took the fun out of it.

Feb. 28th, 2021



[No Subject]

Oh my.

This is certainly very strange. While that letter was somewhat helpful, I'm still confused how to how I got here and exactly where this...Goodland is. I definitely didn't intend to come here on purpose.

If I'm going to be here for awhile, I should introduce myself. My name is Rey Skywalker. Has anyone seen a ship with a wookie named Chewbacca around? Or if it showing up here is even a possibility.

Jan. 8th, 2021



» network | brooke maddox

I'm not sure who all her friends were, but Emma Duvall has gone home. Or away, or whatever the fuck happens.

If you need anything, don't. I'm hiding out on the couch with my boyfriend and more ice cream than is healthy.

Sep. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

I don't remember returning to New York, and I don't remember it being this quiet, so what's this note about, and what's going on?

I'm meant to be in Vienna.

Aug. 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

I'm not a fan of the cloting, it looks kind of...I think the word is dorky? I do enjoy being near the water though. I need to sign up for swimming lessons, growing up in a desert didn't exactly lend itself to it.


I think we need to find a place where we aren't in bunks. It's not that I'm unfriendly but sleeping in a giant room with everyone isn't something I want to do.


I'm sure you already know that Anakin is gone. And so is Poe.

Jul. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]

I'm glad that the aging thing skipped me this time. I'm pretty happy being 37, I don't want to get a lot older just yet.

Mar. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

Benefit of not dating fuck boys anymore, I get an actual birthday that isn't awkward and last minute.

And it was at Disney, they knew luxury. I am so very well rested and the spa treatment was amazing. Luke, you're a dream.

Even if my shoulders are a little burnt and my feet are still sore, this has been the best week ever.

Feb. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

Noah's gone.

Feb. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

It's funny how things happen here. I had no idea that I got married in the future back home and had a son. Then I met him but we didn't really get to spend a lot of time together because of the influx of villains. I did get to see him fight and I was proud, apparently I don't screw up being a parent as badly as I always thought I would.

Sadly he's gone now and I wish we'd had more time together. One day we will though pat least some version of me will. Sometimes this place gives me a headache.


Do you want to go get some dinner? I don't feel like sitting around the villa tonight. Wherever you want to go.

Jan. 11th, 2020



» brooke | 11

Ever drawn so much that your fingers cramp like crazy and you're sure you'll end up with crooked fingers? I can taste the charcoal on my skin.

So, is there a standard operating procedure for when your super awesome boyfriend suddenly has a teenage son? I am not asking for a friend, I am asking for me. Because I'm still trying to work out how to deal with this.

*if you've talked to brooke before, you're in the filter (luke included)

Jan. 5th, 2020



[No Subject]

Kriff, I honestly thought my kidnapping days were behind me, but it's unlikely my captives would actually want me to communicate with people, so color me clueless. Oh wait, my hair's too kriffing red for that.

Fine. I say Skywalker, you say?



[No Subject]

This has certainly been an interesting start to a new year.


The clothes of this era look good on you. I wonder if you'll get to keep them when things go back to normal. Assuming they do but what's normal anymore?


Have you noticed or I guess "sensed" is a better word, anything different about your friend, Finn in the last few weeks?

Dec. 28th, 2019



[No Subject]

I know there have been a good number of people who have lost someone over the last few days and I'm sorry. It's never easy to lose soemone you care about. Both my niece, Jaina, and my nephew, Jacen are gone. I haven't been here long enough to know exactly who their friends were but I wanted to let everyone know.

Dec. 25th, 2019



[No Subject]

I don't know why this rock feels like [...]

I don't know, it just does. But again, thanks for everything, guys. The cookies are great and [...] so's the other stuff. I'm getting a lot of [...] stuff.

Dec. 17th, 2019



» brooke | 10

Really appreciating the locations and a generous host right about now.

I'm gonna be MIA for a couple of days, but don't panic, still around and still got this thing so if you need me, buzz me. Stay out of trouble and don't do anything I wouldn't. 💕

[ LUKE ]
Pack a bag for a few days (but you don't need much fyi) and let your niece and nephew know you'll be gone a few days. I don't wanna panic your family but I do want you all to me for a few days. 😍

Nov. 15th, 2019



» brooke | 9

Tomorrow, Tandy turns 18. From what I can gather she’s never really had a proper birthday. So, we’re going to throw a party in our apartment for it. There’s gonna be cake and balloons and music and games and all kinds of stuff. But age appropriate stuff of course.

So let’s say about 5pm, apartment 3-A. Gifts are optional, don’t worry, we’ll have lots of food and everyone will have a good time.

Do you wanna come shopping with me tomorrow? I saw a super cute mini dress I want but I need an opinion and Emma is hard at work with college.

You’ll come to my super awesome party for my not so ward, right? I kinda wanna introduce you to my friends. Properly and all.



[No Subject]

...Well, shit.

Nov. 14th, 2019



[No Subject]

Goodland, huh? Was Kidnapped Land taken?

I appreciate you waiting until Sindr was sent packing but Fire Giant + fire goblins = huge mess, so send me back.

Nov. 8th, 2019



[No Subject]

Did anyone else's older self took to the time to talk themselves in the mirror? Every day?

Now would be a good time for a drink, but I'm just gonna for a run instead.

Nov. 4th, 2019



[No Subject]

I think I'm slowly reaching an odd sense of familiarity with this place, odd as it is. And I believe that one of the accepted customs is to illustrate that is with a selfie.

Cut for image )

There's not a single piece of armor in sight.