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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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Posts Tagged: 'inactive:+cal+kestis'

Jul. 27th, 2020



abbie keener -- 012

Okay. I now get to sort through the residual affects of the anxiety, uncertainty, and fear of being nine and coming back from nothing. I will not say that I've taken steps back in my healing progress, but the memories are no longer seven years old.

I am not ashamed of my neuroses, and I need a therapist. Is there one here anyone would recommend? I'll check them out after I make sure I still have a job at the museum.

I'm going to swear, and you're not going to like it, but shit. That was awful.

Are you okay?

I'm looking for a professional stranger in earnest now, but will you teach me how to meditate? I can pay or trade you--something--for it?

Jul. 18th, 2020



network post: anakin skywalker

[encrypted message; padmé amidala]
You're still an adult, right? I know I keep checking every day, but I'm at work and can't pop in to see for myself.

Also, my boss disappeared? I'm not really sure if I technically still have a job, but the building is still here? I'm just going to... keep working.
[encrypted message; cal kestis]
Want to meditate and pretend like people aren't turning into children? That would be great. Also, I keep dreaming about Dooku, so getting that out of my head would be helpful
[encrypted message; wayne enterprises people]
So... do we just keep on going? Or do I need to find somewhere else to work?

Added later:

Who all is still working for the company?

Jul. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

I am one with the Force and the Force is with me-

This place reminds me a little of Bracca. Almost. That said, I'll be more settled once we are back to our normal Goodland.

Jun. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

I am proud to formally introduce the world to Ethan James Stark. He is 41 hours old, born at 12:31 am June 20, just in time to spend his first fathers day with his daddy. He weighed in at 7 pounds 8 ounces and is 21 inches tall.

He is such a healthy and happy little boy.

Jun. 19th, 2020



Texts to Friends*

>>At the hospital.
>>The baby is coming!

[*anyone who would like to be]

Jun. 13th, 2020



abbie keener -- 010

Looks like I'll be making some pie today. Now I just need to narrow down which kind. I have my fancier ones, or the less fancy ones.

I'm taking thoughts from those who've tried them. (@^◡^)

[Filter to Harley]
Last night wasn't so bad, right? I mean, Tony broke the rules, but it's Tony, and he does what he wants.

Did you have fun?

[Filter to Cal and BD]
Other than the pie thing tomorrow, I might skip part of the celebrations, just to balance my human interaction.

But I thought maybe you would like to go with me to the Museum of Natural History this afternoon and see the prehistoric exhibit?

Jun. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

...exactly how healthy are smoothies as meals? I discovered a place next to work and smoothies are way faster to eat. Gives me more time to play with my projects.

At least they taste better than the rations on Bracca.

Do I want to know why BD calls you Uncle Tony now?

Jun. 9th, 2020



Network: Tony Stark

The baby is due in like two weeks. Fuck, what if I drop the baby on his head?



Network: Hugo Weasley

Apparently I'm not meant to have many mates here.

Jun. 5th, 2020



network post: satine kryze


Oh it's sent, good.

This is-- I can't tell them who What if this is a trap I demand to know where I've been taken-- Excuse me, can you tell me-- Rude! This can't be happening


Jun. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

Anyone want to volunteer for a lung scan? It's not invasive at all, basically you just sit in a chair in front of a screen and breathe normally for a minute, then go for a run on a treadmill and do it again. I won't attach your name to the results, I just need some more data to look at variation in oxygen absorption efficiency. As a bonus, you can pat my dog.

May. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]

Wow, we all sure are glad the coliseum is gone, right? None of us were going back and forth about going in? I wonder when the Entity will take us somewhere next, instead of bringing things here. Maybe after graduation. Like a really nice place? To celebrate? The way things here go, it'll probably be during it.

Landon )

Freya )

May. 24th, 2020



[No Subject]

How do I get more stims here-

Pouring coffee into my cereal cuts down on time.

Master Skywalker Anakin, is there any chance we can meditate together? I get it if the answer is no.

May. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

There's hardly a point to all this training if I don't find out what the Coliseum is all about, is there?



abbie keener -- 007

Me again. Not sleeping and back at it with pies.

I think I'll go for more traditional flavors this week, since not sleeping is now a weekly thing, apparently. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'll put twists on the pies, like caramel apple and Mexican chocolate cream. But I think I'll do the tried and true banana with nilla wafers. It's my favorite.

[Filter to Ironfam Apartment]
Idk why I can't sleep. Things feel fine. I just can't get there...

[Filter to Harley]
It might be time for me to find a professional stranger to figure out what's happening in my subconscious. Will you help?

May. 20th, 2020



[No Subject]

This place always seems to be full of surprises. Do you ever get used to it?

Everyone seemed into the dinner idea. Does tomorrow or this weekend work for all of you?

I've seen a few places that look good, but I'm open to suggestions from those of you who've been here longer, too.

May. 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

No thanks. Been there, done that.

[Star Wars Cast]
I'm going to be working on my training room nonstop. If you need me just message me or BD.

I am going to take Thursday and Friday off. I'll work extra the rest of the week to make up for it.

May. 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

We're from different times and I guess different timelines for some of us, but we all seem to share some version of home, even if it's just knowing what the kriff caf is or recognizing the names of planets and stars in our own galaxy. It's more than most of the people here can say, so I was thinking maybe we could all get together, grab a meal somewhere or whatever. I'd like to know more about you all.

May. 14th, 2020



abbie keener -- 006

Pie ideas from an insomniac mind:

  • Sweet cream custard with an earl grey crust. Call it Dorian Grey and give it a blackberry layer under the custard, since he had a dark side.

  • Pink peppercorn and pear tart. I want to call this one Peppered Potts and make the tarts in their own little ramekins.

  • Feta, honey, and fig cheese cake (it's a pie the way a burger is a sandwich)

  • Balsamic and berry crumble. The crumble will be mostly candied walnuts, and the berry should be strawberries or something equally sweet to balance the balsamic.
  • May. 13th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    I'm fine, buddy. I'll figure out the sleep thing.

    I feel like I'm learning stuff every single day. Orange juice after brushing my teeth? Not a great idea.

    Hey. Want to talk about it? Your presence is like an angry bantha on my mind.

    I have a place I am converting into a training space. If you want to take a look. I mean.

    [Rey & Finn]
    I'm gonna to be home late for the next few days. I want to get the wiring fixed in the bunker. Who knew building a training spot from almost scratch would be so kriffing annoying?