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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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Posts Tagged: 'inactive:+princess+ariel'

Sep. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

I opened the fortune cookie I found in my room this morning and this is what it said.

You will be successful in your work.

It didn't tell me what my work was going to be but I'm going to pretend it said that I'd be a famous musician. Because what the hell? I'm not eating the cookie though because I hate the way they taste.


Would you mind helping me with my calculus because I suck at it and you're a genius? and I wanted an excuse to hang out with you This place might not count as real school but hey, I still want to graduate in June. Or whenever people graduate in alternate universes.

Jun. 6th, 2020



[No Subject]

Yeah, I'm not really sure how I feel about all this.

Jun. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

The food here is amazing.

May. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

Right, so good places to dance around here? I'll entertain any and all suggestions. Bonus for other places you think I should see in Goodland.

Looks like we've maybe missed each other the few days I've been here, so hi, I'm Alicia. Full disclosure, I've been accused of being a bit of a neat freak. If there are parts of our common areas you'd rather I didn't touch, now would be a good time to say so.

Apr. 27th, 2020



[No Subject]

You know, I was never one of those girls who wanted to be a mermaid or pretended to be one in the pool.

Spoiler Alter: I'm still not.

[Josie Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson, Bonnie Bennett]

I have a tail, and I am stuck in the tub, and it took me 20 minutes to figure out how to get my phone. I could have just flopped out, but, first of all, ow, and, second of all, that's more embarrassing than the tail I can't exfoliate scales! It's really hard to maintain your inner peace when you've got scales!

And if it looks like a tornado went through the bathroom, that might have been me. Help? Not sure how, but I think it was. I'll clean it up when I get rid of this tail.

Until then, can someone help me? And get me a towel? And some ice cre

[/Josie, Hope, & Bonnie]

Mar. 26th, 2020



[No Subject]

Would it be too much to ask that I just live here now?

Feb. 20th, 2020



fleur weasley - 001

ooc: voice post

What is zis?

Greetings, I em elated to offer you a spot een beautiful Goodland! Please see ze enclosed map. Your new 'ome ees number six-C in Ostrich's Villa. Be sure to say 'ello to our adorable feathered friends on your way een. Your first month's rent two 'undred dollars is on me, but don't forget to check ze job ads before too long. Oh, and eef you need me? Post to Goodland and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. 'appy living! Sincerely, Your Jubilant Entity

Foot note: Please note I will only respond een extreme circumstances.

Absolutely not. sound of crumpling paper

Feb. 17th, 2020



[No Subject]

Ice cream for breakfast is very unhealthy and no one should have it.

I'll save you all and consume it for you.

[ NAT ]
I know you and dad don't like keep secrets or anything. But can you maybe keep one tiny teeny secret and come to my school and bail me out of one minor case of poisoning and major burn damage to a cooker?

Feb. 10th, 2020



[No Subject]

Everyone is so HAPPY! This is amazing and wonderful and the sparkles are so pretty!



Network: Zatanna

I can't say I've felt this happy in awhile. Makes me want to hunt down the cause because I know it isn't as real as it feels. Nothing in my life is that easy!!

Feb. 6th, 2020



[ Voice ]

Am I doing this right?? Hello?? O--oh! [ She sounds like she's talking to someone else for a moment-- ] I see!! Thank you, thank you very much!

Umm... Okay, so maybe someone can help me find this place on the note? I hope Eric is there... I'm Ariel! And I'm... really lost.